Wake up your copy...and your sales.
Talking Shrimp's®
60-Minute Makeovers
Copywriting Mini-Course
What if you could take your website or sales page...
From meh to money?
From bye-bye to must-buy?
From so-so to SOLD!
... All with just a few powerful word tweaks
that take you under an hour?
Here's the Mini-Course...
...That'll get you thinking like a swift, brilliant copywriter.
(Just by soaking up the glory of visual before-and-after copywriting examples!)

"So much value!"
I've gotten so much value from your mini-courses. My newsletters get responses, sign-ups. You taught me to look at copy in a new way and you make it possible to make money by being yourself!
- Rubeena Ianigro, The Gray Muse

"Laura is a copy GENIUS!"
Everything Laura teaches and creates gets me writing better with ideas that inspire my best work—whether it's copy for my site, course sales pages, or an article for Business Insider. When I need inspiration to write, I go through anything I have from Laura (seriously!). She is a copy GENIUS!
- Marietta Gentles Crawford, Writer and Personal Brand Strategist

"Laura helped make me a better writer!"
I consider myself a decent writer. Working with Laura made the process easy, fun and effective. It made me fall in love with writing again and helped make me a better writer.
- Gina Gomez, business strategist and advisor

"What Laura gets you to do —reveal the real you — makes you rich!"
Just a few minutes with Laura’s genius insights drives remarkable results. I often thought my writing had to be academic-y and sound brochure-like. Then Laura's magical tweaks make it just gorgeous. I re-read and do a little dance! It feels like me. It’s easy to forget that being yourself is the best thing for your business. Authenticity = profitability.
- Susie Moore, columnist and coach

"The 60-Minute Makeovers Mini-Course is phenomenal!"
One thing that's really awesome are the frameworks. It's easy to write someone else's copy... but it's hard to remove yourself and be objective when you're writing your own. The frameworks are so helpful for that.
I needed to get a lot clearer and more THEM-focused in my web copy. The prompts have helped me get a lot of clarity. The examples really drove all your points home. And, I just bought your About Page product this morning. I love your stuff. Please keep making products, I will keep buying them
- Chris Orzechowski, email copywriter (and self-described "meathead")
Like looking at plastic surgery before-and-afters...
but so much more productive.

In this easy-to-digest reader...
You’ll get to see small, but crucial, nips and tucks
that make all the difference.
Swap a word here, delete a word there.
Suck the fat out of this part, plump up that part.
What to write, what not to write.
On your homepage, your Services page, your header and tagline, your emails to leads, your About page, even a physical mailer.
All these little changes were made in under one hour.
...and more
For every example, you’ll get exercises to take these tools
and apply them to your own copy, right away --
to instantly make it:
- pop with personality
- ring true and clear
- grab your ideal clients by the coconuts
Note: All sales final. This is an instantly downloadable PDF.

"I wish I had learned Laura's strategies sooner!"
A mentor once told me that every marketing problem you have is a copy problem. Developing my copywriting skills is the one thing I really put off. I hated writing. With Laura’s help I’ve been able to connect with my own voice so my copy is punchy and easier (even fun!) to write. And this has led to way higher sales conversion numbers.
- Heath Collins, entrepreneur

"Better than learning from Ogilvy"
Took more classes, read a lot of Gary Halbert and hand copied 50 or so adverts from that same decade: "Do You Make These Mistakes in English?" I even read Ogilvy On Advertising and drooled over pictures of his elegant chateaux in the south of France. None of this was as transformative as your 60-Minute Makeover combined with reading your emails. Take that David Ogilvy!
- Courtney Kirschbaum

"I love this course!"
- Peter Fritz

"I went viral!"
- Amy Perkins, Founder of Keys to Courage
"Changes in minutes. I LOVE this course!"
- Sarah Danner Dukic

"So valuable—full of different types of examples!"
- Lynn Juve, Job Search Strategist

"This changed the game for me. I'm in awe."
Your 60-Minute Makeovers Copywriting Mini-Course changed the way I communicate. I’m in awe. The part that really changed the game for me was how you teach us not to be self-centred in our messaging. Focusing on the benefits for the customer is a winning formula.
The other great point was humanizing the message. I used to use pompous vocabulary (to seem smart and savvy) and you helped me realize that it may have put a lot of my prospects off. Just using simple, easy to understand English is also a great key to success.
- Karabo Thahane, Lifestyle Entrepreneur
"Soooo helpful! My copy is greatly improved already."
- Vicky Garcia
"Made me love copy!"
- Emilia Mielko

"I should have gotten this sooner!"
I was convinced this course would be the copywriting equivalent of putting glitter on shit.
- Erin Ulko, Cross Stitch Maven, Purple Leaf Designs
Say wha???
A few strategic tweaks make your ideal buyers want to stick around, join the list, and click that BUY button.
This shizz really works!
Note: All sales final.
If you have The Copy Cure
...and want extra examples to bring the learning to life and kick you into action,
this is the perfect complement.
Get paralyzed by long courses?
Sometimes you need at-a-glance info to kick you into action. If you do, this is the “Run Off And Implement” motivator you’ve been looking for!