Yessss! Thank you! You got Tough Titties!
Info about your bonus will be hitting your inbox — look for email from me, Laura Belgray.
And can I say? You’re a hero. Every time someone orders, an angel gets its wings titties.*
Wanna help make Tough Titties a bestselling sensation?
Share the love.
(I’ll love you up in return — love is a 2-way street!)
Step 1: Save this image to your camera roll.

Or this one!

(If you’re on your phone, just hold down on it and choose “Save Image.”)
Step 2: Post on social!
Here’s an easy copy-paste for Instagram stories:
I just ordered Tough Titties by @laurabelgray!
I just ordered Tough Titties by @laurabelgray!
I know what I’m reading this summer 🔥
I just ordered Tough Titties by @laurabelgray!
This title is everything…I know the book will be even better
⭐️BONUS POINTS - include a link in your story!⭐️
I just ordered Tough Titties by @laurabelgray!
Get yours so we can bump Tough Titties this summer
LINK TEXT: order tough titties!
(You'll find the link sticker by tapping on the sticker icon at the top of your screen.
It's labeled " 🔗 LINK")
Step 3:
Whew! That’s enough work for the day. I don’t care what time it is, scoop yourself some Haagen Dazs and queue up a Bravo marathon. You’ve earned it. Thank you!
*I know "Angel" + "titties" is a touch perverse.
But you know what? If you're the type who gets offended by that,
a) it's probably not the book for you, and b) TOUGH TITTIES!