This past weekend was my 20-year college reunion. I know what you want to say to that: 1) “But you seem so young! You must have graduated when you were in diapers for that to be true.” Shucks. Thank you, you’re sweet. As a matter of fact, I did graduate in diapers, but I was […]
KEEP READINGThe Baby-Man Who Convinced Me NOT to Have Kids
In my last post, I wrote about the cultural pressure to have kids. I didn’t get into why I don’t want to have them. So here’s a little on my reasons, and the giant Baby-Man, or Man-Baby, who confirmed them. I was on the fence for a long time. Being on the fence about kids when […]
KEEP READINGDon’t be an idiot.
Check out the guy in the picture. He’s an idiot. Not for wearing a silly hat. But for gluing it to his head. With superglue. He had to go to an emergency room (one with pointless dolphins painted on the wall) to have it removed. I’m sure everyone asked the guy, “What were you thinking?” And […]
KEEP READINGWho’s your robot butler? And other Seldom Asked Questions
All the blogs on blogging say that to “create value” in your content, you should listen to your readers: What are they saying in the comments? What questions are they asking? Answer them! I couldn’t really find any questions in the comments, so I reached out to you and asked what you wanted to know. […]
KEEP READINGThe walking and feeding of pet peeves
As a kid, every time I went to the store with my dad, I’d watch him do something I thought was re-fucking-tarded:
KEEP READINGThree reasons we should all shut up about “passion”.
What’s your passion? Is it a passion for passion? Do you make money from that passion?
KEEP READING10 familiar faces who need to call it quits.
See the lady in this photo? Keep an eye out for her. She’s going to be famous – for being the internet’s hardest-working “frustration” model.
KEEP READINGYou look great. Have you gained chutzpah?
This is on the back of my Special K box. They want you to fill it in with your answer to “WHAT WILL YOU GAIN WHEN YOU LOSE [WEIGHT?]” Notice they give two little examples in the top right corner in case you can’t think of anything yourself. I like their suggestion of “chutzpah”. I […]
KEEP READINGImmortal words on Sandy Duncan, Florida, and big cocks.
With Sandy Duncan’s name all over the news this week, I couldn’t help but think of — and miss — my husband’s mom, who was a big fan. OK, minor correction: Sandy Duncan wasn’t exactly all over the news. I happened to see her name in one lone New York Times article about Wheat Thins, […]
KEEP READINGIf you’re a stupid crybaby, press 1
Here’s a New Year’s resolution: No more crying customer service calls.
KEEP READINGWhat I want, and other notes for Santa
To Santa: Do you know that this past Saturday, there were several thousand douchebags dressed like you, wandering around New York in drunken packs, blocking the sidewalks and puking in the street? They must have learned this from you. You need to be a better role model.
KEEP READINGPass the pretzels. And by pretzels, I mean gorillas.
It’s a slow news week here at Talking Shrimp. Or, I should say, a slow think week. I never have much in the way of news, but I often have thoughts. This week, not many. I just realized why: It’s because I’m so busy rethinking my pretzel.
KEEP READINGThe top five things that happen when you’re old
Are you freaked out about getting old? I used to be. I formed my notions about aging by observing my grandparents.
KEEP READINGdesperately seeking cacadoodoo
If you have a website, there are a bunch of tools you can use to check the visitor stats – how many people have visited today, how that compares to other days, how many are visiting right this second, etc. I use one called Woopra. It should just be called Stats Crack, because, as you […]