“I wish I’d signed up for B-School through you.”
I hear that all the time from B-Schoolers who find out about me after it starts. I’ve put this page together to tell you why B-School is so great and why my bonuses are the ones you want, so you don’t have to miss out.

I write with Marie, and I love B-School.
Oh hi, I'm Laura Belgray, if we haven't met.
I have this here brand, Talking Shrimp, and, with my partner, Marie Forleo, a renowned online copywriting course called The Copy Cure.
Without B-School, I’d never have the kind of business success I do now. (One that hits north of the $1 Mil mark in sales to my own list of email subscribers every year!)
My smartest, most successful private clients and mentees have pretty much all taken B-School. If you take it, you'll have the chance to work with me — for free. And, you'll get to be a member of my exclusive Hot Seat Mini Mastermind — a mini version of my high-ticket, 8-month mentorship program, Shrimp Club.
I’ve proudly been a partner of B-School year after year, have seen what helps B-Schoolers get the best results, and have developed the best bonuses to do that for you. Soon, I'll reveal details of my bonuses — but first, let’s dig into the basics.

What B-School is:
Online business training for modern entrepreneurs.
(Don’t worry if you don’t think of yourself as an “entrepreneur.” I didn’t, either.)
It’s 6 weeks, all taught online, with lifetime access.
So you can take it any time, and review it over and over.
Which is what I do, every year.It’s how I have (or have had):
- My “couch-driven” business. (Mission statement: don’t make me get up.)
- A website that helps me make money around the clock.
- Impact on the lives and businesses of people I work with. I didn’t know I cared about this, but it’s pretty cool.
- The kinds of clients I’d hang out with even if they weren’t paying me. In fact, some have become great friends I talk to on the phone every day. Some send me presents. (WHAT!)
- Clients who happily paid what I charged — every time I raised my prices (all the way to a whopping $1450/hour, now off the market).
- A workday that starts when I say it starts. There’s no “late for work” at Talking Shrimp.
- Loyal blog readers who leave smart, hilarious comments and keep me going.
- Opportunities I only dreamed of — like teaching (paid) writing workshops in Italy and Hawaii (these are long-term outcomes, mind you).
- MORE THAN 10x the income I had before I took my own business full time. And, approximately infinity times the income potential.
Some of the knowhow that went into creating Talking Shrimp, I got from Marie herself, at her kitchen table, before there was a B-School.
What to put on my website. How to build a list — and why I needed one. Jump on the "Notify" list here and be the first to know when the doors to B-School open.
The big idea: Get paid doing something that makes you happy.
Marie created B-School so she could show more than one person at a time how to set up a business they love, and market that business confidently and profitably to unlimited numbers of people. “Sky’s the limit”-style. And, if it’s your bag, “Change the world”-style, too.
Is B-School worth the investment?
Check this out —
Just being a citizen of B-School-Land can make your business.
This is a ginormous side benefit. I repeat, side benefit. Join for the course, not for the exposure. But know that there’s an active, supportive, online B-School community, which — if you get involved, connect, and give generously — can help you build an inner circle of friends who get it, and a word-of-mouth reputation that feeds you constant business.That is, assuming you have something other B-Schoolers want.
With tens of thousands of members, from all countries and walks of life, that’s almost guaranteed. Unless you’re selling meth lab equipment or, like, kiddie porn. If that’s the case, it’s not your market. And neither am I. Shoo, perv.
Is B-School right for you?
If you’ve fantasized about saying adiós to your full-time job and doing something you love from home…
If you have a business and you know it could be so much bigger…
If you wish you had customers and clients you liked better…
If you dream of turning your pet cause into an enormous groundswell-movement-revolution-game changer type of thing…
If you’re a coach or a jewelry maker or a realtor who wants to go big…
If you’re a trained nutritionist but also a talented graphic designer but also a great listener but haven’t quite made a go of any one of those things…
If you’re serious about doing something new or something bigger…
…and doing it this year…
I can’t recommend it enough.You’re so there, right? And now you want to know what you get from me?
Well then…
Watch now!
Is B-School right for you? Marie and I answer your q's
The skinny:
11:39 - Marie's first foray into email marketing...and the cringe-y (my opinion) name of her newsletter back then
18:17 - Tracy's q, "How fast will I make back my investment?"
43:53 - The shift in my life that shocks even Marie when she hears me say it here
The Copy Rescue Package from Talking Shrimp
Best B-School bonus, for best B-School results.
(*Yours, when you sign up through me.*)

Pair B-School with the bonus you’ll actually use: my copywriting help and mentorship.
What do all the B-School success stories have in common?
Great copy.
That’s what you’ll need, too.
On your about page, your home page, your sales pages, your email headlines, all over your biz…Words that make it clear who you are, and what you do.
Words that instantly make people say, “Ooh, gimme that.”
I can help you with that.
OK. There are some fantastic bonuses out there.
But here’s the thing: layering on another giant course or program isn’t going to help you progress through the B-School modules and put the great info into action. It’s like too many toys on Christmas. You pick one up, put it down to open another, and soon you’ve forgotten them all.
Not only will my bonus package not distract you, it’ll help you through the number one place where most people trying to rebrand or set up a new business get stuck.
Make sure you're on my special B-School list so you'll have an extra "ready, set, go" before I release my fast-action bonus.
Talking Shrimp B-Schoolers have wins for dayyyyzzz

I did B-School through Laura in 2018 and hit 6 figures in 2019!
Before B-School, I was a stay-at-home mom. I love being a mom, but I knew there was more.
I joined B-School to go after my dream and start a business. It hit 6 figures in a year. Now, I get to be with my kids and do something I love, helping people and making an impact!
Not only that...I was one of the 7 people interviewed by Marie Forleo on Marie TV LIVE!
- Deepshikha Sairam, Lead Generation Expert

One month after starting B-School, I had my FIRST 4-figure month EVER, which for me was a mega deal cuz it made me feel like my first 5-figure month wasn't too far off (I was right lol). To this day, I still feel extremely inspired, motivated, and supported to take action on my biggest dreams, like starting my own mastermind (came to life just last week with no sales page, just a few e-mails, still mind-blown)! B-School has given me the pillars to run a successful six-figure coaching business and given me the know-how to help others do the same.
Laura secretly (or maybe not so secretly) shows you how to master moneymaking by using your most potent tool: your voice. Since day one, she's been an essential part of my business growth and I wouldn't trade her for a billion bucks (because honestly her tools and techniques will help me make that anyways). She is one of the first people I tell my clients to go follow (on e-mail of course) because she is SO GOOD. Plus that bonus? Honey, whatcha waiting for.
- Kimberly Lucht, Boss Bitch Business Coach

Doubled my revenue
B-School helped me hone my Ideal Customer Avatar and focus on that one ICA instead of chasing down all of them at once. Thanks to that focus, I managed to pick up more clients and double my revenue. I'm hoping to double it again in 2020.
The Talking Shrimp bonuses are always great and provide valuable nuggets. Laura's tips on copy, her life experiences and her support are second to none. I wish I'd found her sooner.
- Jason Webb, hospitality marketing expert

A game-changer. Even after 12 years in business!
Having been in business for almost 12 years I was a bit tentative about whether B-School would be a good fit, but it was totally worth the investment. I used the modules to audit my existing business and see where I needed to grow and learn some new things. It was the perfect framework to give my business a review and it encouraged me to make some key updates. Not to mention, I'm in love with the Resource library and use it frequently. As an entrepreneur, there's always more to learn and B-School did not disappoint. Plus the community is really great!
The Talking Shrimp bonus totally changed the game for me and my business.
- Stephanie King, Founder of the London Sugaring Company

Now I get signups who stay, every day!
Fish and chips. Ernie and Bert. B School and Laura Belgray... Nothing goes better with Marie Forleo's gold-standard online business course than Talking Shrimp's B School bonuses.
As you go through the course you write copy—copy that sells you and your business...and no one's better at bringing your writing to the next level than Laura Belgray.
If you've taken the Copy Cure you've seen her legendary live edits. Now imagine them done on your work. I signed up for B School a year earlier than I planned just to get her eyes on my website. It's the only way you can until Shrimp Club opens again. Before working with Laura I was getting one opt-in a month. And often they'd forget to confirm. After Laura tweaked my opt-in, I get sign-ups who stay every day.
Laura is super open and shares what does and what doesn't work, like you're BFF's talking over coffee. You learn so much because she's so generous about what gave her the best return on her time investments. She's been where you are and knows what you should focus on to get to the next level. On top of being a go-getter she's hilarious and her energy is contagious. Laura makes getting sh*t done, fun. And has a knack for bringing people together. Just being in Laura's orbit will make your work better.
- Kelly Clark, Eating Disorder Recovery Blogger

Joining B-School through Laura: SMARTEST DECISION!
I learned to focus on one goal at a time. And my business concept is finally turning into a business! I've got a website and have managed to write a blog a week for the past 22 weeks. I've reduced my day job to 30 hours a week, so that I can spend another 20-25 hours to grow my tribe. I actually started my first marketing campaign yesterday!
That's what B-School did for me.
Thanks to Laura's bonus, my copy got from "nah" to "hmm, I can see the potential in it." It's getting better and better, also thanks to CopyCure, but i wouldn't have joined the CopyCure if I hadn't joined B-School first. In the end, the best thing about joining through Laura was joining at all. And to all newbie business peeps out there, a head start with your copy is the best investment following a head start with your business thinking and hands-on advice to what you should implement.
- Alice Pelzl, Portrait52

So happy I joined!
Even before B-School, I knew how important blogging is to an online business. Problem was: as a recovering book-smart type, I made writing a task... and it showed big time! I needed to hear from Laura MF-ing Belgray the word of non-boring copy!
I have a tiny mailing list that's growing steadily, and had 25% conversion rate during Black Friday (on a very slow year for retail here in Portugal).
Also, B-School's given me all the tools and the "permission slip" to create the business that really aligns with my talents and my idea of success.
Laura's my go-to inspiration for creating content using my own voice. I mean, who else is describing themself as slothful and telling us all their nerdy stories from high school?
- Olivia Suguri, Fashion designer-maker & cat print artist

Laura's bonus alone is worth the price.
Full disclosure: I didn't even work my whole way through it yet. HOWEVER: I now have a fantastic client avatar thanks to that module alone. I'm always helping my clients do that part of the marketing shiz, but never made proper time to do it myself until B-School. I also found the website and list-building modules extremely helpful (I'm using the list-building one again now).
I found B-School through Laura, because I've been on her email list for a long time. Her bonus alone was worth the fee for B-School.
If you run a business, especially if you're in the early stages, B-School is a fantastic place to start. Even if you're not in the early stages, it's brilliant to help you get back to basics and make sure all your foundations are solid. I know mine began to get a little shaky after a few years. And I learned a whole heap of stuff I didn't know before. If you're on the fence, and you have the means and the time to invest in B-School, do it.
- Vicky Fraser, Author Butt-Kicker at Moxie Books

STOP! – just stop!
I understand if you're kinda-maybe-now-it's-not-the-right-time, not sure if this is the right thing for me, I need to think about it. I feel you. I was there too. Yes, I was talking myself out of B-School. But then I stopped for a second and asked myself: which one is the decision I'd regret most: signing up or not signing up?
I knew I'd regret not signing up! See, you don't know what you don't know, but you know this one thing for sure: if you want a different outcome you have to make different, new choices. You can't expect different results from same old choices, same old decisions, same old actions.
For starters, my website is up and running – and I've also launched my blog!!! And, I now know how to set up an online business that works and is sustainable, and I'm doing it. And believe me for someone like me who's not techy at all – this is a huge deal!
Laura was a big support for me when I wasn't 100% sure about signing up. She was there for me, answering herself – not her VA or someone else on her behalf – all my questions and doubts. Her bonuses are amazing! And funny! A great way to learn and improve your copy. → I write all my copy and articles myself in English, I'm writing my first book in English and English is not even my first language!!!
And the facebook group is a friendly space to share our wins and doubts. Everybody is so helpful and supportive.
- Dr. Marina Bruni, Global Brain Activation Strategist
My specialty:
Helping you crack open your word genius.
I get you to start writing copy and stories that sound like you talk and makes people want what you sell.
But let's go a step further: I help you find the words, pathways, and courage/nerve/chutzpah to make your business a 100% expression of your personality...so you're getting paid to be you.
That's why you're looking at B-School, right? It'll give you the foundations of that business part—for life.
My roster of private clients has included major TV networks like Bravo, HBO, and NBC, and many online biggies, like the one and only Marie Forleo.

It chops…it blends…it writes with Marie Forleo!
“It” is me. Together, Marie Forleo and I have co-written nearly every scripted episode of her weekly video series, Marie TV. (That’s me in the pic, making a cameo.) Marie’s an incredible copywriter, but when she wants to ramp it up or hash it out, I’ve been her go-to. I was the exclusive copy coach for her high-level Mastermind groups, I helped her craft the B-School campaign, I taught from the stage at her live event in NYC, and, best of all, Marie and I co-created an online copywriting course, The Copy Cure, which has helped tens of thousands of members to write killer copy.
Oh, also:
I've been featured on any number of top publications and podcasts, spent over 20 years writing promos for major TV networks, and have helped countless B-Schoolers and other business owners with their copy.

"How do I get the Talking Shrimp B-School Bonus?"
It’s yours when you enroll through my link. (I’m a proud affiliate partner and collect a commission.)
To be extra sure you're all set up to score my limited fast-action bonus on opening day of enrollment, get on my special list with the button below!