“You have to be EL James or Colleen Hoover to make a decent living as a writer! Don’t even try! Get a real job!” Ever hear that? Ignore it. There are countless ways to get paid to write. To give you some ideas, I went all the way back to the early Nineties – the […]
KEEP READINGemail marketing
“What If My Life is Boring?” – How To Find Great Stories For Emails And All Your Content, Even If Your Life Is Dull AF
I’m about to shove a stick of dynamite into a big ol’ excuse, and light it. RUN! (Cut to me walking away calmly, with a small mushroom cloud exploding behind me.) The excuse, I mean, very good question is: “Oh sure, Laura Belgray, easy for you to always tell fun stories in your emails, posts, […]
KEEP READINGBlog post vs. email — the death match
What should go in my emails and what should go on the blog? Can they overlap? Should they be the same, or different? I struggled with this one for a long time. Here’s what I used to do: