Emails are your most powerful tool for getting your audience to pant, drool, and joyfully fork over fat cash for everything you sell.
Here's how you can INSTANTLY sharpen yours.

Get opened. Get read. Get paid.

Instant ROI: $2,183 in sales from my very next email!
My writing instantly improved with the very next email I wrote. In fact, the very next email I wrote after going through the program brought me $2,183 in sales. That email only took me about 20 minutes to write. The second email I wrote after that netted me a handful of potential clients who were hiding in my list. Translation = even more money.
- Chris Orzechowski, Email Marketing Strategist & Copywriter
2022 UPDATE: I’ve generated $949,156.28 in 12 months from my (not even big) email list
In the past 12 months, I’ve generated $949,156.28 from my email list, thanks to Laura Belgray’s courses… particularly Email Hero.
And I don’t even have a big list - I’ve only got 7,209 subscribers.
Over the years, Laura’s techniques have transformed my email writing abilities. The lessons she taught me helped me build a rabid customer base full of people who love reading my emails.
Laura has a gift for teaching email. She has countless success stories for a reason. If you want to be a better email writer, do not let another day go by. Get Email Hero right now and watch as your email writing abilities transform right before your very eyes.
Email Hero will be one of the best purchases you ever make. Get ready.
- Chris Orzechowski, Email Marketing Strategist & Copywriter
Imagine being able to crank out emails that...
- Stand out from all the dreck (and even the very best stuff) in someone’s inbox
- Build lasting know, like, trust, and hot business lust in your subscribers
- Get readers reaching, even running for their credit cards
- Position you as a leader and an authority — no wait, a GOD
- Get people so excited, they open your messages the second you appear in their inbox
- Pop with personality and riveting stories from your everyday a way that brings clear value to your reader
- Prove so dangerously entertaining that people walk headfirst into poles while reading them....But even with temporary brain damage, they’ll remember one thing: YOU.
"I love you so much from your emails, I want to buy whatever you offer."
That's the kind of reply you'll start getting from your emails when you use the techniques in Email Hero. Even if you have nothing to sell yet, you'll have an audience champing at the bit to buy when you finally do.
Here's the makeover-style email marketing course...
...That'll get you thinking like a swift, brilliant email copywriter.
(Just by soaking up the glory of before-and-after email examples -- over 100 pages' worth!)
Plus, you'll get Story Hero—the email storytelling superclass.
This video training will show you how to tell stories that rivet your subscribers, bond them to you, and warm them to whatever you sell.
In this easy-to-digest guide, you'll learn how to..
- Be more concise
- Clear out all the “verbal bubble wrap” that’s burying your powerful message
- Paint vivid pictures with your words
- Create tantalizing cliffhangers within your emails
- Stop impatient, speedy, skimming eyeballs
- Get a hurried reader to willingly go back and re-read more carefully
- Speak commandingly without being pushy
- Leverage simple formatting tricks that grab the reader’s eye (and brain)

- Give CTAs extra urgency (hint: it’s all about the specifics - see the Supergoodie Silverlake email)
- Reverse-engineer an email you love and replicate its success – without actually copying
- Get buyers jumping at a high-ticket offer in under 26 words
- Get subscribers who “never write back to anyone” to write back to YOU – and why that matters
- Warm up readers to any promotion, even one that wouldn’t naturally be “on brand” for you
- Weave in powerful social proof without seeming like a braggy blowhard

I learned how to personalize my emails!
Inbox Hero helped me deeply connect to my audience through email! Laura taught me how to personalize my emails and tell very creative stories. I highly recommend this course.
- Gabby Bernstein, #1 NYT Bestselling Author
A peek inside:

Soak up "a-ha"-inducing, side-by-side makeovers and "reverse makeovers" of all these email examples.
- New coach with a (free) offer
- Coach welcome series email
- Quiz software business (SAAS) welcome email
- Real estate agency welcome email
- New podcast episode email
- The personal-brand e-commerce welcome email
- Vintage clothing store everyday promo email
- What’s a reverse makeover?
- The super-short, high-ticket sell email (AKA the $17k, 26-word email)
- The welcome sequence “engage with me” fun facts email
- Teaser to blog post
- The affiliate launch warm-up email
- The “straight sell” (sort of) email
- The “straight sell” (sort of) email 2
- The going-on-hiatus email
- The boring legal email - made FUN
- The start-of-launch “whip up desire” email
- The “check me out, I’m on a podcast” email
- The “Share My Sh*t” swipe email
- The “What should I do with this rando story” email
- The thought-piece email
- The “why you should stick with us” confirmation email
- The daily (or frequent) newsletter not “selling” anything
- The “everyday details of life” used as a teachable email (also, affiliate promotion)
- The Email Hero Simple Framework
- Email Hero Checklist

Just buy this!
Before I worked with Laura, nobody read my emails and now I get so many emails back telling me my emails are the only ones they read! This is a no-brainer!
- Lisa Johnson, Passive Income Queen
What's in it? You get...

- Over 100 pages of point-by-point, detailed email breakdowns (PDF format, read it on your screen or print it, bind it, laminate it, keep it on your desk for always and give it to your grandchildren....Who will teleport to you to ask, "What was email, Memaw/ Grandpappy?")
- The super-simple, "OK, I can do this" 9-step email framework, from subject line to "ps." Use it to get in the flow when you're stuck for what comes next.
- The ULTIMATE checklist to make every email an EFAB (Email From A Bestie) and an ETS (Email That Sells) before you hit SEND!
28 must-check-off items broken into categories:
- Subject Line
- Preview Text
- Greeting
- Start of Email
- Tone
- Economy/ Clarity
- Punch, Personality, Storytelling
- Readability
- 21 Ways To Write Better Emails: A printable desk reference guide. Or, bookmark it in your browser
PLUS: You get Story Hero™!
Learn to tell stories that get your emails devoured...
And your offers snapped up!

In this 2-hour video training, you'll learn:
- The Art of The Start: How to jump into a story so we're gripped from the get-go
- The seamless segue: How to get from your story to the sell without feeling like you're awkwardly jamming them together
- Concrete details: the magic element that turns words into pictures. But how much to pack in and what to leave out? We'll cover that, too
- Rhythm changes. (See what I did there?)
- "How do I use dialogue and spoken lines?" ME: I've got you.
- Humor, or which words add the yuk yuks
- Length. How long is too long?
- The difference between a "who cares" anecdote and a real story
- How to make a story "email appropriate"
- Who the story should be about when it's in an email. You, the writer? The reader? Your purebred cockapoo, Roger?

Video, text, audio - consume it the way you learn best!
You'll get:
• The 2-hour recorded Story Hero video training, including q&a portion at the end
• All 112 presentation slides, containing links to the full versions of all the example emails
• The full presentation transcript
• The audio-only version so you can listen to it on the go
• Future bonus resources. If I beef it up (along with the price), you get the upgraded version!
Learn to tell stories that get your emails devoured...
...and your offers snapped up

People are signing up for my highest-tier coaching—all because of the stories in my emails!
Story Hero is an incredible product and the lessons were immediately applicable. What makes it so special is that it helps you bring the real you to the table; it helps you--the real you-- connect with your audience.
Its practical tips get so many replies to my emails now and people are asking to sign up for my highest-tier coaching package, right after I raised the price—all because they're loving the stories I tell in my emails!
Best of all, the training is so much fun to watch and I take new notes every time I review it! Anyone who wants to sell, engage, entertain, or inform by telling stories--and who want to sound like themselves when doing so--should take out their checkbook (do people say that anymore? Heck--do people even DO that anymore?) and purchase Story Hero pronto!
- Olu Burrell, Coach, Consultant, Copywriter

These copy makeovers are email game changers!
Where ya been all my life?! If this course was a book on my shelf, it'd be dog eared within a few days. I'm going to use this thing every day for the rest of my life. These copy makeovers are email game changers. Thank you, Laura!
- Rachael K. Albers, Branding Expert and Star/Creator of "Awkward Marketing"

I'm going to print this baby out & always have it on my desk. It's GOLD.
Out of the dozens of unfinished courses sitting in my dusty email folders, this is the only course I've completed—scratch that—DEVOURED in one sitting.
Laura makes me LOVE writing to my people and they love me even more for it. Seeing before and after transformations is such a brilliant way to showcase how a few nips, tucks and plumparoos can turn my internet acquaintances into internet besties.
The welcome sequence email was my favourite of all and I’m going to implement that ASAP.
- Sadra Sarfraz, Sweetographer (Baking Photographer)

It delivers the gems from the very beginning (and doesn’t stop!)
Laura is a copy SHERO — and this course saves the day! As soon as I started going through the course, ideas popped into my head like popcorn kernels bathing in hot canola oil. Unlike other courses where you have to dig for the “good stuff,” it delivers the gems from the very beginning (and doesn’t stop!). The course made me feel like Laura was sitting at my desk showing me exactly how to level-up my emails. And the variety of real-world email examples made the guidance practical and easy to implement.
- Marietta Gentles Crawford, Writer and Personal Brand Strategist

50% open rate using a subject line that came to me from this course!
Thanks in large part to your emails and courses, I'm ending the year with a small, but growing email list that has a 40% open rate (I even got past 50% once using a subject line that came to me as I was working through this course)! And I'm amazed that my open rates have actually gone up as the list has gotten larger -- I have to assume it's because the quality has improved.
- Graciela Rasor, Human Design Expert

What a before and after!
Two things, people:
1. I never emailed a soul until I worked with Laura. Now I have people telling me they actually have a folder in Gmail with my name as the label so they can save my emails.
2. Story Hero [the companion course] is so good that I'm spending this Sunday with it again.
- Reese Spykerman, Website Conversion Strategist (and Money Finder)

Instant ROI: $2,183 in sales from my very next email!
I've had a lot of success in my career as an email marketer. I've written thousands of emails for my clients and for my own businesses. I thought I reached a point where I 'knew it all.'
Well, I was wrong...
This is an incredible program. My favorite part was not only seeing the tweaks/changes Laura made to the emails she critiqued... but also being able to see inside her head into WHY she made the changes that she did. That's real magic here. She doesn't just give you templates or formulas: she teaches your brain how to speak and think in 'email.' She gave me new ideas and new techniques that I've never seen anyone use before. And... they work like crazy!
My writing instantly improved with the very next email I wrote. In fact, the very next email I wrote after going through this program brought me $2,183 in sales. That email only took me about 20 minutes to write. The second email I wrote after that netted me a handful of potential clients who were hiding in my list. Translation = even more money.
I think it's safe to say I got an immediate ROI.
This is one program I know I'll go through again and again. If I ever start to feel like my emails are getting flat, I know this will save the day.
- Chris Orzechowski, Email Marketing Strategist & Copywriter

I sold 5,000+ copies in pre-orders to my email list alone using many of the strategies Laura taught.
Launch/Email Hero were great resources during my last book launch. I sold 5,000+ copies in pre-orders to my email list alone using many of the strategies you taught. Together, these courses helped me understand the power of email in launching anything. I treated my book launch like a digital course launch and used a well-crafted email sequence for pre-orders (with a deadline) and drafted fun emails to share social proof and build curiosity. And maybe most importantly, your courses helped me get out of the "I need to be subtle and avoid sending too many emails" mindset that plagues so many authors.
- Ozan Varol, Rocket Scientist & Bestselling Author of Awaken Your Genius and Think Like a Rocket Scientist

Buy it, it will make you money.
I like to think I know a bit about writing emails. I've taken all the courses (all of them, including the ones that come in the mail and weigh 18 pounds and require you to remortgage your house to release them from customs) and I've even delivered a course or two of my own.
But this is a different and unusual beast.
It's all the better for being unusual. If you've ever looked at an email that you've written and it seems "off" ... or it didn't pull in the response you were hoping for ... but for the life of you, you can't figure out WHY ...
... then you'll recognize the immediate and yes - unusual - value in this course. Laura fixes emails and tells you why she's doing what she's doing and shows you what to look out for, so you can fix your own emails ... then gives you a dozen different ways you can go about it, with a heavy focus on PRINCIPLES and not PRESCRIPTION.
Plus, it's in a format I haven't seen before that is SO MUCH BETTER than watching endless videos that never cut to the chase. It's a readable, pick-up-put-downable, reference-guide, with money-making ideas on every page - that will generate tons more cash from your emails by fixing what's broken and understanding how not to break the damn things in the future.
In short, it's the program I wish I'd created. So buy it. It will make you money.
- Matthew Kimberley, Creator of "Delightful Emails"

I’m going to make this easy for you. BUY IT NOW.
This program is an easy to reference guide that covers all of your copy questions on what to say, how to say it, and why it works. Laura’s approach makes it easy to see the transformation by providing before and after examples and explaining the reasons behind her suggestions. My favorite was the welcome sequence “engage with me” fun facts email. If you want your community to feel welcome and included, don’t miss this section!
- Gina Gomez, Business Strategist and Advisor

I now see that email isn’t just another business chore — this is gonna be FUN.
As a new business owner and list builder, I picked up this goldmine at the perfect time. Laura has created THE manual for email, filled with priceless advice, tips, and tricks that have redefined the way I’ll write to my list. I love that she boils down all her wisdom into a handy checklist I can glue to my office wall. What’s most exciting to me, though, is that I now see that email isn’t just another business chore — this is gonna be FUN.
- Jenn Aspinwall, Brand Strategist + Copywriter

... in 15 minutes, I wrote a welcome email that I would actually want to read!
I had realized I needed to do something to welcome people to my list but hadn't set it up yet because I didn't want it to be cheesy. I used the open-ended questions in the welcome email template, and in 15 minutes, I wrote a welcome email that I would actually want to read.
This course gave me tons of ideas for future emails from all the different kinds of emails that Laura highlights. I never thought of the "check me out-- I'm on a podcast" email as something different from a "newsletter not 'selling' anything," but there is.
- Cindy Childress, Ph. D., The Expert's Ghostwriter

I got the specific insights that I haven't been able to find in the past
I am in love with this course. It is gold to see Laura’s Master Copy Brain in action. As a Teacher, marked up changes on written work makes me swoon & I got the specific insights that I haven't been able to find in the past, in spite of loads of investing.
- Rachel Smith, Kinesiologist & Coach

It teaches you how to write for a human being
Unlike other copywriting courses, which are all about luring customers into buying more of your stuff, this course has the customer - the human - in mind. People don't open up emails because they want to learn how great you are, people open up your emails because they want to be understood, because they want to have fun, because they want to be entertained. It teaches you how to write for a human being - not for an ATM machine.
- Angelina Forsyth, Personality-Type Expert

I actually FINISHED it. Twice.
This is the best way to get inside the genius mind of Laura Belgray and see the way she sees our emails and learn to think the way she thinks. To me - this is PRICELESS. And beyond inspiring. Besides - because SHE created it - I actually FINISHED it. Twice.
Ask me about all the courses and trainings I never finished because they bored me or discouraged to no end. This is none of that. Hands down one of the best business decisions I made so far. AND, I got to re-write my welcome sequence while at it. Confidence in my emails tastes so good.
- Irina Leoni, Power Portraits Branding Photographer
Warning to your brain: a massive flood of ideas is coming!
Devour my best email writing secrets to:
"What if I already have The Copy Cure?"
And other FAQs
I already have and love The Copy Cure! Is this different?
And the answer is YES! 100% different.
And, as with everything I create, it's a perfect complement to The Copy Cure.
Email Hero is a high-level deep dive into compelling, personable, and persuasive email writing.
It's done makeover-style, with over 100 pages of all new before-and-afters.
You'll see magic transformations of emails that could use some sprucing up, plus reverse makeovers: emails that work well, showing you exactly why they work (and how you can apply the same techniques to yours).
It covers selling strategy as well as writing craft.
For instance:
- What do you say to your list to warm them up to a promotion of something that isn't a natural fit for your brand?
- What do you say to them the instant they sign up, so they love you (and white-list you) forever?
- What do you say when you're not selling anything?
There's no overlap in content with The Copy Cure, except that you'll see the fundamental writing techniques from The Copy Cure (like "show, don't tell," cutting the word bloat, using "you" to snap readers to attention) brought to life in new ways, right in the emails I make over.
What if I'm not a copywriter? It's not my forte.
Oh, watch out! This course will make writing your forte. Email copywriting is different from other copywriting, because it’s generally creative writing with a call to action.
Whether or not you write for clients, if you have a business or anything to sell, I firmly believe you should get great at writing emails. To a list. It'll do wonders for your business that you can't anticipate.
Ugh, I hate writing emails to my list! I'm an artist and would way rather spend my energy on my art.
I hear you! Most artists would rather be art-ing. But what if you could share what you’re working on consistently, stay top of mind, and get regular feedback (in the form of, “this made my day”)?
I can’t guarantee how the course will make you feel about email, but I can definitively say that other artists have loved it and said it gave them tons of ideas.
Say you're an illustrator. Your "newsletter" could simply be an illustration and a few words each time. Make someone’s day, change how they see things, inspire them to do their own art. You can do all that if you get into an email groove. And, in return, it makes you a celebrity and the first person they think of when someone says “I need an illustrator.”
I’m clear that nothing beats email for creating a lasting and lucrative connection with your audience.
There’s my sermon! Hope it helps you decide if Email Hero is right for you.
How long will Email Hero take me to complete?
First of all, you get lifetime and instant access to the whole course. It's not a dripped-module training.
So you can binge it in one sitting, like Sadra (see her review, above), or you can course it out over time. How long that takes you depends on how fast you read, and how thoroughly you take in the notes, and whether you take action as you go.
You might pore over a couple of makeovers and immediately run off to write an email to your list, or to change up your automated welcome sequence.
My prediction: You'll be inspired to get writing in between bouts of learning.
Prepare to create, create, create.

If you've ever wondered what it would be like to sit down with Laura and "pick her brain" then THIS is for you.
Laura’s course is like – a full-on show and tell that even the experts can learn from with lots of scrub with your knuckles ah-ha moments of clarity.
It feels like you’re getting a 1:1 with Laura, learning all the behind the curtain secrets of her copywriting genius. Only 10 minutes into the course, inspiration struck and I was re-writing an email sequence that was already pretty good. That’s actionable learning! Laura’s examples (and there’s a lot of them!) teach you how to show, not tell – which makes all the difference in great storytelling and copywriting.
If you've ever wondered what it would be like to sit down with Laura and "pick her brain" then THIS is for you.
- Denise Cornell, Copywriter & Brand Strategist

This course is 24K magic
You know what I love about Laura? How she makes it feel doable to create emails people will actually read and respond to! When I used the "check me out I'm on a podcast" email structure, I couldn't believe all the people who clicked over and then responded back to tell me about specific parts that resonated with them. Say whaaa? That's never happened before. But I shouldn't be surprised - that's Laura's magic. This course is 24K magic (you know the kind Bruno sings about).
- Marisa Corcoran, Copywriter

100+ pages of amazing
I've just spent the last few days devouring this program and holy moly it's amazing. It's actually 100+ pages of amazing. Laura is an email wizard! I'm definitely feeling more confident about getting in there and sending out more content to my list. I especially loved all the subject line changes. For some reason that's where I really get stuck. But no longer! I’m going to master this email thing now. Also, I’m obsessed with the 21 Ways bonus. Pretty sure I’ve read it at least 12 times so far. Thanks for all the tips and renewed motivation Laura!
- Stephanie King, Sugaring Practitioner & Marketing Strategist for Beauty Service Providers

I went from email dread to email dare.
Just getting the reverse-engineered success emails would be worth it. You can binge-read the whole thing over your fav beverage and then hit the keys. I went from email dread to email dare.
Write, send, repeat.
The results: open rates and sales are way up, unsubscribes down, and my audience writes back with thank you notes that say things like: Best. Email. Ever. It's like I'm getting paid to be me by sending out the kind of emails I thought you could only send to your BFF. Dare I say, I'm addicted to the feeling (and results!) of having my email shit together. Finally. #inboxheroin(e)
- Lisa Sonora, Artist/Author

I'm more confident when I ask for sales!
I've been a writer my entire life. But when it came to writing my email list, I stood frozen for months, succumbing to the fear that no one would care about what I had to say. Thanks to this course, Laura gave me the confidence to actually have a voice - my voice - without shame. For the first time in a decade, I am excited to reach my audience. I feel more soulful with my business, and more confident when I ask for sales. Thanks, Laura!
- Melissa Lande, Podcaster and Photographer

My open rates went right up - by over 30%!
The minute this course was available…I scrambled onto the sales page. Rushed to the bottom, lemme at the price “Ok, WOW, great!” Click!
Couple days later, was writing my first email blog after my purchase. Applied the BFF principle (which I thought I’d been doing a pretty good job of, but wow, room for improvement). A fun new subject lines and off she went. 31.6% open rate improvement from my last email (19% to 25% opens)!! And hey, I was only about 20 pages into it!
THANK YOU! There’s still SOOO much more for me to explore and infuse and devour…thank you for making this happen…it’s such a huge gift ❤
Michele xoxo
- Michele DeLima, Creator of Write Transformation

I couldn’t fall asleep because I was so inspired to get to work.
Laura Belgray is an email marketing genius that encourages simple ways to build a profit for your business. Her new course helps you visualize what impactful emails look like and allow you to take action on your message. I happened to look at her course a couple of hours before bedtime and couldn’t fall asleep because I was so inspired to get to work. This course will not disappoint you if you're an entrepreneur who wants to take their email marketing to the next level.
- Linda Sidhu, Email Marketing Strategist
Say wha???
A few strategic tweaks make your ideal buyers want to pounce on every email you send...and on every offer!
This shizz really works!

Super-snoozy emails begone!
I learnt all the tricks for pulling rabbits out of the storytelling hat with Laura’s Belgray’s Story Hero course. It gave me confidence in moving forward with my own writing and now I can also help my clients with theirs – woop!
Laura’s know-how, experience, encouragement, and humour are all packed into this class. For added VFM the class also incorporates discussion of segways, yuk yuks and ballsacks.
- Jillian Pocock, Virtual Assistant at The Resourceful Badger

I've taken all the courses. This training stands out!
I've taken countless email marketing courses, I'm a member of several copywriting masterminds, and I've even taken storytelling and fiction writing workshops. This training stands out among all of those and I learned so much that I can instantly apply to my business!
- Michael Campos, e-Commerce Email Copywriter

Thank you for teaching me how to craft fun stories that sell!
Let me tell you a story... I pretty much buy whatever Laura sells, so as soon as Story Hero became available I scooped it up.
And Story Hero does not disappoint. As an email copywriter I know the importance of story in your copy. Laura's story training has given me a new arsenal of story tips that I've already started to implement.
Laura has shaped who I am as a writer and helps me snag "You so get me!" and "I love your stories!!!" comments and replies. Thank you for Laura for teaching me how to have a career crafting fun stories that help people sell their stuff.
- Brenna McGowan, Email Copywriter

I sold a £1,000 a month coaching programme with a little help from my newly minted storytelling skills.
I'm a writer by trade, so I write all day every day... and I couldn't wait to get my teeth into Laura's Story Hero. I'd been looking forward to it for months.
And I was not disappointed.
It was epic.
Let's leave aside the fact that Laura is funny and friendly and makes you feel like you're hanging out with a mate (totes going to look you up IN A NON-CREEPY WAY when I’m allowed to visit other countries again).
And let's leave aside that her writing makes my hair tingle.
And jump straight to the fact that this writer (me), who's been writing for decades and who's a perpetual student, got SO BLOODY MUCH OUT OF EVERY SINGLE SECOND.
In fact, the course opened up whole new insight into descriptive writing.
Laura's background in TV writing is a stand-out skill, and one I've not seen in other writing teachers.
Similarly with her teachings on dialogue (super helpful), humour (she's hilarious and knows how to TEACH funny too), and rhythm changes.
I applied a bunch of stuff right away, and got more engagement on my Instagram story than usual. But that's just vanity, right?
So here's a real metric: I launched a new service around a week after taking the training. Just a soft launch to a very small list. And put 11 people in it right away. Then I sold a £1,000 a month coaching programme with a little help from my newly minted storytelling skills.
Thanks so much Laura. I do love a training course that's fun AND profitable!
- Vicky Fraser, Publisher and Author

My open rates jumped by 10%!
Ever since I took this training and implemented the changes, my open rates and click-through rates have gone up by a whole 10%! 23% to around 33-35% and I am gettin more replies from my subscribers. Everything Laura shares is magic!
- Deepshikha Sairam, Biz Mentor + Lead Gen Expert

Every time I buy one of Laura's courses, I make more money.
Laura Belgray is one of the best email writers on the planet. And I think the reason why is because she understands how to tell a compelling, "small moment" story better than anyone. Her emails are addicting - she's one of the few people who, when they land in my inbox, I'll stop everything and read. As an email copywriter myself, I was dying to learn exactly how she makes her stories so damn addicting. That's why I picked up Story Hero.
It's one thing to write a 'good' email. It's a whole other thing to be able to whisk your readers away on an adventure, where they feel like they're walking alongside you as the story unfolds.
The fact is: in marketing, stories turn into sales. I've seen this firsthand with my own list. And I know developing this storytelling muscle is going to turn into mountains of cold hard cash.
Every time I buy one of Laura's courses, I make more money. Story Hero was a complete no brainer. If you use email in your business, then get Story Hero now.
- Chris Orzechowski, Email Marketing Expert

This "non-writer" is feeling like a pro...
Story Hero is for any/all my fellow self-proclaimed non-writers who want to fast track their email and/or social media (yep, it works for social media posts too!).
As a health coach I am sooo not a writer, but Laura's tips on storytelling have me feeling like a pro... and it's not just in my own head. I've gotten more responses than ever after implementing her tips like detailing brand names and trusting the reader to understand more of the story context. Plus her advice to write down ALL the details in the draft to satisfy my type-A brain, only to then grab those digital pruning shears and go nuts has made all the difference.
- Mackenzie Holznecht, Running With Bacon

Now, I’m confident that I can work that magic with my own emails.
This course has given me my very own Fairy Godmother, and her name is Laura.
Laura starts with plain-old pumpkin emails. She shows you exactly why the original email doesn’t work in a way that is so clear and insightful, it feels like she’s loaned you her magical copywriting eyes.
Then, here’s my favorite part, she waves her wand and rewrites the emails so you can actually see the magic that is hidden inside. She turns the pumpkins into beautiful coaches right in front of you. It’s enchanting. And, she does it over and over again, with lots of different examples, until it really sinks in. (And that’s just the first part of the program. There’s so much more!)
Now, I’m confident that I can work that magic with my own emails. I’m giddy with the sparkles of possibility, and I can’t wait to see the magic (and money!) that unfolds for me. Laura has given me my very own magic wand. Get this course and she’ll give you one too. Bibbity Bobbity Boo.
- Fiona Orr, Epic Life Coach
Learn from someone whose emails have been featured, read aloud, loved on, dissected, and caressed almost obscenely on podcasts, in experts' emails, in high-ticket masterclasses—and who knows where else?

Hi, I'm Laura Belgray - creator of this Email Hero joint
I'm also founder of Talking Shrimp®, co-creator of The Copy Cure, and—brag alert—source of the best emails around. How do I know they're the best? People tell me so. (With Email Hero by your side, they'll soon tell you that about yours, too.)
My emails—which have been read aloud on podcasts, cited in "best of" lists, and mentioned in Forbes, Money, Business Insider, and more—have brought in over $1M revenue in a year. Without webinars, sales calls, or even ads to any sales page, emails have done the work of selling my (now retired) services, my courses, and my high-ticket mastermind. Master the art of emails, and yours can be the profit engine of your business, too.
Even without a big list. (Mine is 1/10th the size, or even 1/100th the size, of some of my peers'.)
Not to mention, they'll delight, entertain, inspire, comfort, and enlighten your subscribers—and endear them to you for life. That kind of loyalty will never come from a great IG feed or a Facebook ad. It's all about emails. You'll see.

From zero replies from my list to suddenly getting three or four an email!
I’ve always enjoyed writing but when it comes to doing it for my business I struggled with keeping to my own voice. Laura’s “Story Hero” training got rid of that fear for good!
I jumped straight in using some of her techniques for my social posts and my emails and instantly started seeing traction.
From zero replies from my (teeny) email list to suddenly getting three or four an email...and having people send me messages like “it feels like you read my mind” or “this hit me like a slap in the face” (that was a good one I promise)...I would recommend this course for anyone looking to inject a little bit of themselves back into their business. This isn’t your basic writing lesson. No grammar drills, no “correct” way, just some amazing and informal training with Laura, embracing your own style and using it to your advantage.
Whether you’re looking for more sales, more clients, more engagement or something else - this is well worth it!
- Tessa Hull, Success Coach No Right Way Ltd

This was one of the best (if not the best) writing coachings I've ever experienced!
I gotta say....this was one of the best (if not the best) coachings I've ever received with regards to writing.
Soooo many takeaways and direct techniques to put into my writing till it becomes a habit on its own 🙂
I took tons of notes so I'll be able to input these techniques at a glance as I'm writing (hopefully!)
Loved the 'start in media res', 'humor~use a surprising word instead of the norm + end on the funniest word', 'the list of where to find stories (prompts)', and on and on......
It's great how you showed real emails to reference each technique. Very helpful in bringing the point home.
- Randi Seiff, Design and Product Development Expert

I used some key takeaways when I wrote a follow up email to a film festival I recently submitted to and received awesome feedback almost immediately.
As a creativeprenuer who communicates primarily through photos and films, I honestly didn’t even know what a copywriter was. Laura has taught me copywriting is a non-negotiable if I want to take my business to the next level, and all the ways it can be so much fuuun, even if it gets vulnerable. And how it’s not always grammatically correct, which, truthfully, sold me.
Story Hero was super insightful, challenging in the best way and so much fun!
I used some key takeaways when I wrote a follow up email to a film festival I recently submitted to and received awesome feedback almost immediately. Most importantly, I made a personal connection, which I’m learning is the he(art) of Copywriting.
Thank you Laura for all your wisdoms.
- Daisy Salvacion-Shields, Creative Director/Founder of Alchemist: Portraits & Productions

So, yeah: you should buy Story Hero.
I'll say this as candidly as possible: I'm good at storytelling. It's what I do. It's what I teach other people to do...and it’s not exactly inexpensive to hire me.
And yet.
I found myself pausing to take notes, saying “man, Laura worded that perfectly” and generally walking away feeling energized by all of her ideas.
So, yeah: you should buy Story Hero.
- Mike Pacchione, Speaking Coach

Story Hero is EPIC!
I got six replies right away to my email the next morning—and my average before was 1-3. I'd already written the email, but I went back and applied several of the tools from Story Hero, and BOOM!
I just have to watch the recording every time I write an email to keep all of these great reminders top-of-mind.
- Cindy Childress, PhD, The Expert's Ghostwriter

Email Hero helped me gain the confidence to start my own email list.
I'm a copywriter (mostly email) for coaches and thought leaders. All of my business has been word of mouth. I'm successful, I LOVE what I do, my clients love the work — not gonna lie, I'm kinda living the dream. But…
I've wanted to start an email list for myself, and write in my own voice... for an eternity.
I had no idea I'd get the confidence to do it from Email Hero. I'm proud to say I now have a landing page and a welcome email OF MY OWN. Two weeks. Done!
- Chelsea Beauchamp, Email and Copy Expert for Coaches, Consultants, and Difference Makers

I've watched it twice and each time I come away with a new way to tell a story in my weekly email.
I have all of Laura's programs and I love her way of breaking down personality-driven copywriting, including everything she teaches in The Copy Cure, but Story Hero is really that girl. It's so much more than learning a quick tip or two to punch up your writing. It's how Laura's brain works when she writes copy. I've watched it twice and each time I come away with a new way to tell a story in my weekly email which I've just started and have only 50 list subscribers, but the great thing about that is that I'm actually getting responses from them. I'm on my way to building a community that trusts me and it's through Laura's specific advice on how to use storytelling in my emails.
- Tynisha Thompson, Copywriting Coach and Productivity Strategist

Story Hero will give you newfound confidence in your creative writing!
You might already be a fan of Laura and have signed-up for all her other freebies and offers. You're probably wondering what else could I learn from Story Hero, that I haven't learned already? The answer is tons of tips on how to write a story. I'm not talking about the stories you were forced to write in school. I'm talking about turning your stories into connections with your clients. What I loved most about Story Hero is that it was a training packed with what to do and how to do it. Laura's presentation style also makes you feel like you can do least when it comes to writing. If you have always been a scientific writer (like me), have no fear - Story Hero will give you newfound confidence in your creative writing!
- Stacie Lampkin, Health Educator

It made me more ME.
(40-60% open rate!)
Thanks to Laura Belgray's help in the writing and story-telling department, I have a 40-60% open rate on my emails and like Laura, I get tons of messages from people telling me they can't wait for the next message from me. As I go through my analytics, I see that most people open my emails a minimum of 3-7 times (with some people opening the messages 20-30 times!) I especially LOVE Story Hero. It's genius. It's funny. It's practical - and it actually did change my writing style. It made me more ME. It gave me the freedom and skills to write like I talk. I love having Laura Fucking Belgray as my personal online writing mentor. Her messages always make me laugh out loud and make me feel like I'm her BFF - and that's exactly what Laura teaches in Story Hero - how to write in a way that people feel like it's Christmas morning when they see an email from you.
- Lisa Natoli, Founder of The Healing Cure & Creator of The 40-Day Program for Transformation

I am fresh out of excuses now for why I can’t write to my list.
I took Story Hero with Laura Belgray and it was a game changer. I am fresh out of excuses now for why I can’t write to my list. I wonder if this sounds familiar to you?
Before I took Story Hero, I knew I was supposed to be writing to my list more frequently than I was. Now it wasn’t that I wasn’t willing, it’s that I would get stuck in this loop of indecision of, is this good enough? Is this relevant? Shouldn’t I be at least making some kind of pitch or ask or call to action in this email?
And what I loved about taking Story Hero was the fact that there were so many actionable points. I particularly loved Laura’s tips around how to transition from telling an interesting story about your day to getting back on track, back to business as it were. Those tips around transitioning were worth the program in itself.
The best part is, at the end of the program she will fill your boots with a plethora of story prompts so that you will never run out of ideas again.
- Katy Prince, Squirm-Free Sales Coach

Tools to make people buy your stuff!
Talking Shrimp products/goodies are like jet fuel in the writing jetpack. You go so much farther, so much faster, every time you use the tools and insights. People write back, people click-thru, people buy your stuff. Jetpack ON!
- Becky Karush, Writer, Podcaster, Gateles Writing Instructor

I used Laura’s “lazy launch” method to make nearly $10k!
Laura Belgray’s programs have cost me thousands, but because of them, I’ve made more thousands. Inbox Hero and Launch Hero in particular are never far from my side. I look at them for inspiration and when I’m stuck. I recently used Laura’s “lazy launch” method to make nearly $10k when selling my first course to a list of under 500 people. Thanks to Laura, writing to sell is more fun than I ever could have imagined.
- Kristin Donnelly, Cookbook Author and Copywriter, Creator of Cookbook Proposal Boot Camp