This weekend, I discovered from an influencer’s Instagram page that it was National Ice Cream Day. (Belated Happy National Ice Cream Day, if I forgot to wish you one.) She was showing how to make coconut milk ice cream, which is NOT ice cream and can wait till National Milk-Alternative Frozen Dessert Day, but anyway. […]
Stuff ‘n’ Junk Report: Watermelon (Or, why I’m a watermelon asshole*)
(*Subtitle inspired by Naomi Dunford. See comment at bottom.) Another Stuff ‘n’ Junk Report — where I pick any random item of mine, new or old, and tell you something about it. It’s inventory, with detailed back story. Like show and tell, but more tell than show. Today, an old item: Watermelon, cut into cubes. […]
KEEP READINGLeggo my sample-o.
Fact: Old ladies love free food samples. Actually, it doesn’t have to be food. They’ll take anything that’s free, including those stinky soap samples they hand out outside Sabon. You can always use more soap! But they like food the best. Is it a fixed income thing? A scarcity mentality left over from the Great […]