Do you know who’s behind the 8-figure juggernaut of an online course called “B-School”?
If you’re saying “Marie Forleo,” yeah, duh. That’s the obvious answer.
But, as I recently discovered, it’s not the whole answer.
Looking for an old email in my inbox, I stumbled on one between me and Marie. It made me laugh. I looked for more and found a buttload.
Turns out, all 2009, I plagued her with emails about setting up my website and my business.
They mostly boil down to this:
ME: I did x, y, and z – is that right? And I’m going to pay someone a bunch of money to do q, r, and s.
MARIE: Great! 🙂 But I told you to just do A and B.

Going through these questions and cries for help, I had many facepalm moments (Oh, if I’d only caught on when she said this!) and a head slap.
It hit me:
I’m responsible for B-School!
Marie must have created it so instead of bombarding her with questions and noob confusion, I could press play on a video. And she could have her life back.
I’m only partly kidding. When you spend your time answering the same questions over and over, that’s a pretty good reason to create a course.
Marie has updated and upgraded B-School every year, but all the advice she gave me here still applies! And every new or “could be better” business owner needs to hear it.
Some of it saved me from expensive, time-wasting mistakes.
Some could have saved me years of fumbling, had I followed it faster.
And some is just LOL.
And, now that I’ve reached north of the $1Million/year mark in my business and have, perhaps, an aura of knowing what I’m doing, it’s all a beautiful reminder that we all start at the start. Everyone you follow and admire (or despairingly compare yourself to) was a floundering noob at some point.
Check out these emails and you’ll agree.
(psst – Want to skip right to some business-saving advice from Marie…for $0?
Check out her free video series while it’s up.)
1. Why reinvent the wheel? (When your web guy wants to build everything from scratch)
This website was going to cost me a fortune, and it was going to suck. I took Marie’s advice just in time and told the guy, “You know what? I’m going to do this on what’s called ‘a wordpress theme.’” (Name of theme blurred because no longer relevant.) I got some other web guy—more douche than dodo, but he got it done—to design the site using illustrations by a wonderful artist I knew from my TV job.
2. DO NOT let your dodo web guy do it. (When your web guy says “what’s an opt-in form?”)
Marie told me I needed an opt-in, and I said “a what-in?” My web guy didn’t know what it was either, but guessed he could build me one. This was Marie’s response.
She had a mantra from the very beginning: “The gold is in your list.” As in, your email list. The thing you build with your opt-in. She’s never strayed from that, not in over a decade of teaching this stuff. List-building and optins are a cornerstone of B-School. (And any successful online business.)
Her other mantra: You don’t outsource your marketing. You fall in love with it, make it fun, and do it till the cows come home (and give you their money).
3. Put a bio in your lead magnet
It never occurred to me: Someone might download my lead magnet, 5 Secrets To Non-Sucky Copy and forget where it came from and who created it. They might even pass it on to a friend. Oh yeah, duh, have a bio in there!
If you have any of the questions or apprehension I had when I started, please save yourself a lot of time and money and get in B-School.
4. Not sure what to charge! (Maybe we do all go through this.)
Once, on a panel, I claimed that I’d always been confident charging what my work is worth. Looks like I lied! I got pretty shaky on that when I thought someone couldn’t afford it.
5. I wish I’d turned it down. (When you settled for less than you charge.)
Yep. I undercharged. In B-School, you’ll have help figuring out how to position yourself at the price you want to charge, and have people paying you happily (without haggling).
6. Don’t put social on your home page!
I sent this screenshot to Marie, and she laughed. “Ten years later and I’m still saying the SAME DAMN THING! People need to hear this!” Don’t drive people over to social from your website. Marie dives into the “why” behind this in her “6 Essential Steps To A Thriving, Profitable Business” video, which is available for a limited time.
This is one bit of advice I’ve followed and shared faithfully. Look around here, and you’ll see not a single IG, FB, or LI badge. Instead, it’s a wonderland of ways to opt in to my list and stay in Shrimpland.
7. The name of the game (How to get email subscribers to opt in to your list and what the F to say to them)
It sounds simple, but I was really not getting it: how to get people on your list, and then what to do with them once they’re there. My business didn’t truly take off till I caught on and got consistent about it years later.
I now take the whole process for granted, so it’s quite the wakeup call to see how confused I was. If I met that “me” now, I’d say, “Please get in B-School. Trust me.”
Let’s just say, I was not quick with this opt-in learning curve. Again, “a what-in?” For a while, every time I asked a question, Marie answered with these 4 words:
(Re the screenshot of my first homepage design, with no menu, no optin, no info: You’re welcome!)
8. Stop comparing yourself!
We all go through this. I still do. Some people who seem to fly past you effortlessly in your business journey are full of doodoo, some take action more quickly. Doesn’t matter. Don’t look at them. Really, don’t look. Look away! Note: This conversation took place in a pre-Instagram, pre-Facebook era. Now, there’s way more comparisonitis to protect yourself from.
Be patient with yourself is as relevant as ever; I’d now add to it, “Stop following people whose posts make you feel behind, overwhelmed, down on yourself.” You won’t miss anything you need to learn or copy from them. Trust me.
9. Use relevant headlines and make it actionable
Oh boy, did I write some rando stuff on my blog. I was pretty stubborn about it. I’ve finally found a balance between stories that are fun to write (but have nothing to do with anything) and stories that tie in to a message relevant to my audience.
Also, when I title a blog post, I think about, y’know, clarity.
I don’t even remember which post was called “truffles and stuff” but it seems to have been about copywriting. (Don’t bother searching for it, url isn’t there.)
10. Pro brand image = mo money (Use your domain email, silly!)
When someone writes me now in a professional capacity and it’s from, like, an aol address…SMH. If you have a domain, use it for your email!
Marie talks a lot in B-School about being profesh. She’ll show you areas you might not have thought about where you and your brand could look way more pro. (And make way mo money.)
11. Start NOW.
As you can see, I was afraid to start using my domain for my email, because…well, I guess I wasn’t ready. Marie always says, “Start before you’re ready.”
And if you want to start a business but you feel “not ready” for B-School, that’s your cue. Start anyway.
You can start with Marie’s FREE business training videos, and see if Marie’s teaching style is for you.
Unfortunately, she’s no longer available to go back and forth on email all day (while building what will become an multi-8-figure empire), but you’ll get all the support and guidance you need in her program, B-School.
Created just for me, but you can use it too. You’re welcome.
Interested in B-School? Find out more here, and get on my list for first stab at the best bonuses in the B-School universe.
You might find some of your questions—such as, “how did you two meet?”—answered here:
You’ll also hear about…
01:12 — Marie Forleo before B-School
04:10 — “I don’t have clarity on my biz idea. Who to serve, etc.”
06:44 — “My business isn’t really an online business. Is B-School right for me?” (And what B-School doesn’t teach)
11:26 — Laura before B-School
13:55 — Reality check – Fast or slow you’re in charge of the timeline (surround yourself with high achievers)
17:06 — “I’m afraid I won’t follow through. How do I keep my commitment to myself?”
21:18 — Getting your spouse onboard
30:38 — “I’m not sure if I’m ready.”
33:12 — As an author, are you going to be using B-School techniques to market your book? (UPDATE: Make that #1 New York Times Bestselling book)
Now you.
Which of my 2009 questions or cries for help strike a chord with you? Are you at the stage of 2009 me? If you’re further along, do you remember being there?
i love that Laura! thanks for being so vulnerable!
Hey Laura,
I did BSchool back in 2013, and then Copy Cure a few years later. You have both repeated time and time to make sure you have an opt-in so you can collect emails. As email is GOLD and you don’t and never will own you, followers, on socials.
Well, low and behold today in Australia, Facebook is fighting with our government over new laws that will make FB pay publishers for news content on their platform. They threatened to block news outlets and stop Australians from sharing or reading any news on their platform. No doubt it will make the news over in the U.S.
Now, all those news outlets are scrambling even harder to get people to sign up for email!!!
If you and Marie ever want to drum that message in viola, you only need look towards Australia. You never own your followers on socials.
Thanks for all the great advice over the years.
OMG. This was me all through B SCHOOL. I kept saying : I’m the black sheep of B School because I’m not even sure what I’m selling. Who I was then, who I am now. Do they go together or do they not? Do I shove my reel somewhere? I have to say I’m still processing and as she says in one comment above ‘you’re not making a cooking cutter site, this takes time”. But boy, it was hard when people got their sites up and running and bringing in cash in 8 weeks. I wish I had read all THIS POST with all its crazy questions (ME ME ME all throughout B school to the mentors ) before or while doing B School. I’m still working through it!
(and with the mess of what’s going on and a full house – hard to gain space to create the glorious non cookie cutter site!)
OMG. Thank you so much for this refreshing post. I’ve been a fan of yours since 2018 and finally decided to join The Copy Cure 2020 programme. It’s been choc-a-full of information and my head hurts. It’s all good cos I know I’m learning. 🙂
It’s heartening to know that inspirational online educators like you and Marie started from scratch at some point in your career. Because right now I feel like an octopus, trying to juggle business direction, nailing the customer persona and branding. Thank you for making me realise that I’m not alone in this. xoxo
I read your posts like scripture. Hallelujah.
I can’t even tell you how comforting this is, especially as another professional writer now trying to build *my own* business, not someone else’s (but, at the same time, building it in a way that still helps other people with their business—it’s all very meta). Thanks for sharing this!
Love to know that you had all the same questions we all do! this is goooddd! Xxx
It’s so good for me to see the questions I had. We get so far away from that person in 10 years…I’m in her brain again!
Thanks for this peek into the way back machine. I’m preparing to do round two of B school and have been redirecting my annoying little inner critic from chattering about how much I suck. This was super helpful to see your process and progress. Thank you for your willingness to be transparent and blazing the trail…so inspiring!!
Oh, my friend, we all suck. I don’t know which is more helpful – to quiet that voice, or to reply, “Yes, I know, and I’m ok with sucking!” Thanks for this comment.
This is such a motivating post! I LOVE before’s and after’s and thank you for sharing this behind-the-scenes info. I’m so glad I took BSchool through you last year. I used your bonus to get your now expert eyes on my opt-in and your updates have 30X’s the number of people who sign up for my list per month and best of all… they ALL confirm. Before I was talkin’ to EVERYBODY = talking to nobody (= minimal sign ups) & now my opt-in speaks to my Ideal Customer. Thank you!
Thank you, Kelly! I’m so grateful you took B-School through me, too! Having my eyes on your stuff from the very beginning has been so rewarding. Look how it’s changed! Go you.