That’s my dad in the 1970s. He’d been an engineer for Eastern Airlines, with perks like free flights around the world in First Class. He gave it up to become a psychotherapist, with perks like hearing peoples’ feelings.
Yes, to him, that was a perk.
Dad loves feelings.
When my sister and I were angry and wanted to hit, he’d say, “HEY. WE DON’T HIT. WE EXPRESS OUR FEELINGS.” (He said it loud.)
When we aimed for the stomach, he’d say, “HEY. THAT’S HOW HOUDINI DIED.”
I still need to fact check this.
The one exception, when physical attacks were allowed, was when we took it out on inflatable Bozo. We were allowed to beat the crap out of him, and he asked for it. Look at him and that stupid hair.
Then again, look at my dad’s facial hair. You can see why Bozo is laughing: “I’m getting beat up by a guy with that beard?”
1) There were always lots of coins in that sofa. It was ugly, but rich.
2) I guess the Marimekko curtains were kind of cool.
3) That room was my dad’s study. On a high shelf was a book called “Games Children Play.” I got on a chair and took it down one boring weekend, thinking I could use some new games to play. I flipped it open to a chapter about what to do when you find your son and his friend masturbating side by side.
Happy TBT and almost-Father’s-Day!
What are YOU feeling? Tell me in the comments. Then, go take it out on Bozo.
I totally forgot about bozo! We had one of those too! Loved it. Your dad sounds awesome!
I think I had that bozo and similar (extremely wealthy) sofa!
Great tip re: blog posts and Facebook! I like it!
Oh, glad you like the tip, Ingrid!
It worked out so well. Shortest time I’ve ever spent writing a post.
I hope Bozo was rich, too. Looks like that don’t get you far…
I love this! I wish I could have been foresighted about Marimekko and a few other things. I made those curtains and then gave them away. I haven’t missed them until now. There were living room Marimekko curtains, your bedroom Marimekko curtains, Marimekko cushions, and Marimekko skirts. And poor Bozo, fizzled away somewhere. I guess he served a purpose; you’re not punching real people, at least I don’t think so.
Mom, I wish I had my Marimekko snake! That was a keeper. Who knew?
I hope this doesn’t make you less proud of me, but I do punch clowns. Can’t help myself.
I wish we had your Marimekko snake, too. I can’t think why we would have given it away. And I’m always proud of you, especially since I’m sure you’re selective of the clowns you punch.
Love this!! And now I want tose damn marimekko curtains from my living room circa 1978. Keep ’em coming!
Nell, I want to see the pictures of your 1978 Marimekko curtains. And everything else from then.
I had that Bozo, too. Unfortunately it didn’t stop me from hitting my sisters. It was more like practice.
Your couch was a boyfriend I once had.
I agree, Bozo was good practice. Liz, did you have to search in your boyfriend’s cracks to get his money?
Turned out he was pleather.
OMG I had an inflatable Bozo too!! I loved him. God, I always forget how orange and brown the 70’s were until I see pictures…. we even had orange shag carpet. those were the times. ;o)
Wendy, nowhere were the 70s brown-and-orange-er than in that room. The rug itself was like, a red, brown and orange plaid shag.
As for Bozo, you weren’t supposed to love him. That defeats the purpose.
Please tell me you made out on that couch in high school.
Ugly but rich sofa sees action.
Please keep writing….I love the story Xxo
(Arlene, that “nope” was in response to Licia. Thanks for the encouragement to write more!)
Nope! By high school, most of that room had been colonized by my sister’s expanded bedroom. But people (not me) saw action on her loft. You can read more about our house and its makeout corners here:
I had a drama teacher in high school who formerly was Bozo the Clown on local TV in New York in the early sixties. Ironically, he strongly objected to shtick, mugging, going for the laugh, or in any way attempting to be entertaining. Instead, he liked deadly serious, deadly dull, emotionally dramatic scenes, preferably with real crying.
Bruce, that sounds like exactly your kind of Bozo. Are you sure you weren’t directing that show?
Apparently my comment wasn’t very clear. On the TV show he was doing nothing but shtick, mugging, playing for laughs, etc. But heaven forbid any of his students tried that crap. As a teacher he had no tolerance for comedy. What would your dad say about such a personality disorder? I’m guessing something about overcompensation for low self-esteem.
Today, that beard would be hip even for a hipster.
I don’t know. It might be hip for an Amish hipster, I guess.
Amish hipsters rock!
I want those curtains!! And the Calder print! And I love your dad!
Vic, you know you don’t have to go far to see the Calder print. Or my dad. I wish you had those curtains, too, though – you’d know better than anyone how to make them work in a room.
I am actually considering very colorful drapes for MTK living room, and these would make me happy!
I had a Bozo punching bag exactly like the one in your blog. My Mom told me that I cried if I slept through the Bozo show while taking my daily nap. I share a lot with your Dad and keep the pictures coming!