Here are a few of the spots I wrote for the launch of Conan’s new show on TBS.
They’re part of the “Missing You” campaign, by Stun Creative. Stun had the concept – people missing Conan, with the John Waite song – and asked me to come up with several scenarios.
What do you think?
Hilarious. And I was glad to see Coco doing so well with the African American demographic.
Hilarious. And I was glad to see Coco doing so well with the African American demographic.
Hi-LARIOUS. Love them. 🙂
Love them all, but my fav is the guy on the island. But I think they all should be on TV
awesome! i have to say my favorite is the bus stop one! because how often have you thought you recognized someone and WANTED to just up and hug them and but don't because you think WHAT IF IT ISNT THEM!? So basically, i think it's funny because it's such a worst case scenario and most likely to happen in real life lol
Laura, I love the concepts. Each one has its own specialness: bus stop=surprise, castaway=super-creative, and soup=poignancy (good actor for the soup, by the way).
I think “Missing You” is a John Waite song, as opposed to a Tom Waits song, no?
Thanks, Bob — for the thoughtful praise, but even more for the correcction. DRRRR! I made that same mistake out loud last week, and my husband teased me to no end. He started singing “Missing You” in Tom Waits' voice. Can't believe I went and bumbled it in my post.
Oh well, that's the beauty of a blog – easy to update.
Love the spots, love you!
Umm. Hate to mention it, but it seems you have relapsed on the comment reading.
It's not a “relapse,” Doug. It's me accepting and loving myself for what I am: an incurable feedback slut.
Hi-LARIOUS. Love them. 🙂
Love it!! Those are awesome – my fav was the soup too. They were all good – congrats!
Thanks, Andrea. Wow, I thought soup would come in last. It's a sleeper.
LOL – I LOVE them! My favorite was the “Wilson” one – cracked me up. 😀
Thanks, Jess. I wanted a followup where the ball floats away and the guy screams “CONAAAAAAAN!”
LOL – that would be so perfect! 😉
My fave is the guy with the soup! Laughed out loud.
Another soup fan heard from. Thanks, Jen.
Hilarious, Laura. I LOVE the “Cast Away” parody with Wilson dressed as Conan.
Thank you for getting that. To those who didn't see that movie, it's just a freak laughing at a soccer ball.
Pushing away the soup is hilarious. Although, I would liked to have seen some talking shrimp. Cuz… well… you know. 😉
Don't worry. The talking shrimp will have their day. There's a network sitcom in development. %$*# My Shrimp Says.
Nice work! The alphabet soup is my favorite ;>)
Thanks, Darryl. Wow, another vote for soup!
Thanks, Mike. I like your blog, btw.
I LOVE these spots. I watched them the other day on the Team Coco site and my husband and I laughed for a good long time them all! You + Conan = Awesometastic! : )
Thanks, Sara. Though I have to add Stun Creative to the equation. They are genius.
Love them all, but my fav is the guy on the island. But I think they all should be on TV
awesome! i have to say my favorite is the bus stop one! because how often have you thought you recognized someone and WANTED to just up and hug them and but don’t because you think WHAT IF IT ISNT THEM!? So basically, i think it’s funny because it’s such a worst case scenario and most likely to happen in real life lol
Laura, I love the concepts. Each one has its own specialness: bus stop=surprise, castaway=super-creative, and soup=poignancy (good actor for the soup, by the way).
I think “Missing You” is a John Waite song, as opposed to a Tom Waits song, no?
Thanks, Bob — for the thoughtful praise, but even more for the correcction. DRRRR! I made that same mistake out loud last week, and my husband teased me to no end. He started singing “Missing You” in Tom Waits’ voice. Can’t believe I went and bumbled it in my post.
Oh well, that’s the beauty of a blog – easy to update.
Love the spots, love you!
Umm. Hate to mention it, but it seems you have relapsed on the comment reading.
It’s not a “relapse,” Doug. It’s me accepting and loving myself for what I am: an incurable feedback slut.
Love it!! Those are awesome – my fav was the soup too. They were all good – congrats!
Thanks, Andrea. Wow, I thought soup would come in last. It’s a sleeper.
LOL – I LOVE them! My favorite was the “Wilson” one – cracked me up. 😀
Thanks, Jess. I wanted a followup where the ball floats away and the guy screams “CONAAAAAAAN!”
LOL – that would be so perfect! 😉
My fave is the guy with the soup! Laughed out loud.
Another soup fan heard from. Thanks, Jen.
Hilarious, Laura. I LOVE the “Cast Away” parody with Wilson dressed as Conan.
Thank you for getting that. To those who didn’t see that movie, it’s just a freak laughing at a soccer ball.
Pushing away the soup is hilarious. Although, I would liked to have seen some talking shrimp. Cuz… well… you know. 😉
Don’t worry. The talking shrimp will have their day. There’s a network sitcom in development. %$*# My Shrimp Says.
Nice work! The alphabet soup is my favorite ;>)
Thanks, Darryl. Wow, another vote for soup!
Thanks, Mike. I like your blog, btw.
I LOVE these spots. I watched them the other day on the Team Coco site and my husband and I laughed for a good long time them all! You + Conan = Awesometastic! : )
Thanks, Sara. Though I have to add Stun Creative to the equation. They are genius.