Hey, I’m back.
Why haven’t I posted in the last month?
Well, I had a metric shit-ton of work. And allergies. They’re really bad this year, seriously – I want to scratch my eyes with a fork.
And there was that ash cloud.
OK, I can’t really blame the volcano in Iceland. Especially since I can’t pronounce it. Guess I can’t blame pollen, either. Or even my workload, which is a legitimate time eater. I also can’t blame it on Rio. Or blame it on the rain, girl.
The thing that’s been keeping me from writing, and other things I normally like to do, is what I’ve finally realized is a mild seasonal depression.
It happens every year, and every year I’m like, “What’s wrong with me? I was a winner, and now I’m a loser.”
Now that I recognize the pattern, it’s a lot easier to deal with. I just let it take over and know that it’ll pass.
I call it my April Funk. Sounds like a hot dance move, but it’s actually a state of blah where all I want to do is lie on the sofa and watch full seasons of TV series all the way through. Binge-style.
This year, it started with season three of Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew. Fittingly, that was my gateway drug. Mackenzie Phillips and Heidi Fleiss talking about their (respective) heroin and meth addictions? How could I not watch every episode back to back?
Then, I worked my way through the earlier seasons. Next, Sober House (“where recovery ends and the real work begins”). Finally, Sex Rehab. It’s not that good, but I’d developed a dependency on all things Dr. Drew. So far, he doesn’t have a show for that addiction.
I watched all of Breaking Bad in a day. It was so good that I considered knocking myself in the head to get amnesia, so I could watch it again with fresh eyes. Instead, I settled for season 1 of Glee.
During it all, my husband has been shaking his head sadly at the strains of reality show cat-fighting or screechy musical numbers that seep from my headphones. Also, at the dent I’m making on the couch. (“You’re ruining it!”)
I could stretch this out till the end of April, since it’s the April Funk. But it actually started in March, and I only want to give it a month. So I’m now crawling out of my hole.
Time to get back to the real world. And back to posting here.
I’ve read that you’re supposed to take extra care of your blog in the beginning, like you would a baby.
Well, fortunately, my blog isn’t a child.
If it were, protective services would have taken it away by now and put it in foster care. Or my parents would have taken it. I wouldn’t trust my parents with a blog. I’d take them to court to get it back.
I’d wear a respectable skirt and my good blouse, and comb my hair to show I’d cleaned up my act – though the bad dye job and dark roots would give me away. Over my wailing, the judge would award custody of the blog to its grandparents. They’d raise it as their own and let the blog grow up thinking I was its fucked up older sister.
Good thing that didn’t happen.
See, I told you I watched a lot of TV.
WOOHOO Belgray is back!!!! I’ll be the first one at the BA (Belgray Anonymous)Class……chain smokin…..coffee drinkin…..twitchen….just waiting for one more line from Belgray……….:) you’re the best drug I got in the house!
Yay! I’m delighted if you admit your addiction. But don’t stop partying!
If I’m the best drug in your house, I guess you got rid of all the cheesecake. And the meth.
i meant “now” not “no” but you prob figured that out
.-= Grasie Mercedes´s last blog ..3 Painless Steps To A Kick-Ass Closet SIGN UP! =-.
It’s all my fault. I’m so sorry. I was sure you were already hooked on all things Dr. Drew. I didn’t know I was like the pusher who preys on fourth graders at the playground by giving them smiley face stickers that were really LSD. But how could I not share Heidi Fleiss with you?
Well, I guess I should have known to say no when you said, “Hey, do you want to fly?”
So really, it’s my fault. And anyway, I would have gotten Dr. Drew somewhere. Might as well have ben from you.
I still consider Heidi Fleiss (with her meth pipe and parrots) a gift.
girl, you crack me UP!!!!
genius post.
on a tv note: i def had the dr. drew addiction, no its celeb apprentice, idol, and DWTS. im pathetic i know.
i can’t seem to get into glee though. i keep trying but its not sticking which is weird bc i love musicals and i love tv…hmmm
.-= Grasie Mercedes´s last blog ..3 Painless Steps To A Kick-Ass Closet SIGN UP! =-.
Thank you! I love celeb apprentice. Can’t do idol, but DWTS has a good cast this season – I watch clips on dlisted. You are not pathetic. Have some TV pride!
Pathetic is missing Kate Gosselin rehearsing the Bolero.
Glee you have to watch from episode one. In order. Otherwise, it just feels like the same show every week. But there are other people who don’t get into it. I can see that. I love most of it, but some of it is really grating. Or embarrassing. Like when the teacher performs Bust a Move. Cringe.
Can’t be trusted with the blog? Lovely people? I’m working up to feeling insulted but glad we amuse you. Rest assured, you and your readers, I would always trust you to bring up your blog as improperly and irreverently as it deserves. And btw, I haven’t the foggiest idea about most of those TV shows, so even Judge Judy wouldn’t let me have it. Don’t know about Dad, though. He’s hip to all of them.
Ha. Dad still asks what channel reality TV is on. You are, indeed, lovely and amusing people. That’s not an insult. But you can’t take my blog. xo
Damn, girl you’ve been gone so long I taught myself Codex! Nah, not quite, but did get my little laughter blog up- so, so missed you- was thinking about your post about your Dad just the other day- you have a true gift, girl!!
.-= ridgely johnson´s last blog ..let’s “Do Lunch” =-.
Hey, congrats on the new blog! That’s great.
What, you can’t learn Codex in a month?
Thanks for your support, glad to have you reading, as always.
Welcome back Love!!!
You were definitely missed and this post was a kick ass way to come back! Glad you can see the funny side of your mini isolation and share the humor with us 🙂 Now that you are back time to have some fun!
Yeah girl. It’s hammer time!
I think everything’s funny. Try me. Even puppies with AIDS.
I’m pretty much obsessed with you. And I’m glad your back, there was much missing on my end 🙂
.-= Marian Schembari´s last blog ..Introducing LinkedIn Mondays! =-.
Hi. My name is Martha and I’m addicted to Mad Men and Dexter. Can’t get enough of those philanderers and serial killers! My Funky Town month is February. Every damn year.
Whoops, this isn’t a 12-step group? Oh well, it’s nice to come clean on the addiction!
Laura, I can’t recall how I stumbled across your blog but I do enjoy it and am glad you are back! (But crap, now I’ll be singing “Funky Town” all day…) 🙂
Nope, this is not a 12-step group. We have the first step, admitting we have a problem. But then the second step is deciding it’s not a problem. Two steps. Way easier. It works if you work it!
Nope, this is not a 12-step group. We have the first step, admitting we have a problem. But then the second step is deciding it’s not a problem. Two steps. Way easier. It works if you work it!
I’m glad you stumbled over here.
Welcome back baby!
We all missed you so much – you are just wonderful and hilarious.
You always make me smile and laugh whether I am reading your blog, emails or if I am so lucky with be with you in person!
We all need some time out and I certainly always feel better afterwards.
Your blog is as funny and real as ever!
Laura, your blog is my drug-related reality show. You know you’ve arrived when people use your shit to avoid working on their own shit.
Thank God you did not end up forfeiting your blog to Mom and Dad’s care! No offense to Alice and David. They’re lovely people, but grandparents don’t cut it when the blog needs someone to take her to Great Adventure.
Great Adventure! Those are definitely the wrong chaperones. What if the blog and its friends get their pants wet on the water ride?
Well, that’s your story to tell. Better get that blog of yours up, or I’m gonna have to tell it here. It can’t go wasted.
Welcome back from funkytown.
I can TOTS relate.
April is a WEIRD month for me too.
And you got me wanting to check out Breaking Bad. I’m already stuck on Intervention. It’s like watching a train wreck. I cringe every time, insist this is the LAST episode I’ll be watching, and yet there I am next week, back for more;)
Love ya chica!!! xoxx
.-= Catherine´s last blog ..Runway2Reality : Five Wearable Spring Trends =-.
For some reason, I can’t really stomach Intervention. Hard to believe I have a limit. But it makes me a little queasy.
Breaking Bad Breaking Bad Breaking Bad.
Welcome back! I missed reading your blog. Well worth the wait!
You crack me up!
Thank you. My blog and Heinz ketchup – worth waiting for. Though with the ketchup, you can stick a knife in to make it come out faster.
You are hilarious! Thrilled to have found your blog 🙂
Cheers to binge-style television consumption and loving Marie Forleo!
Thanks, Aidan. And I’m thrilled to have found yours. So it works all around. I’ll cheers to both those things.
Love you, have missed you, and I totally get the April funk, too. And pollen sucks. This week, I thought Wednesday was Tuesday because I literally couldn’t remember Tuesday. I spent the day in bed reading trashing magazines and watching bad reality TV. Welcome back!
I’m not sure what you mean by “bad reality TV.” Trashy, I get. But if it’s enjoyable, then it’s all good. Thanks for the warm welcome back!
So true. Better as a day trip. Thanks for the bus ticket home.
I know all about Funky Town….now that I know you vacation there too, maybe we can schedule our next trips together? Or skip Funky Town altogether and head to Rome instead? 😉
In all seriousness, Laura, I am so appreciative to your ‘realness.’ I found you via the lovely Marie Forleo and am especially happy to know you now. We can all be in this together! Hooray!
I’m reading this book called Plan B by Pete Wilson right now and there is a quote in it I’ve already requoted like 6 times this week, and I’m going to do it again here because it just fits. (handy!)
“We can’t really experience or appreciate real community until we dare to be authentic.”
Thanks for daring to be authentic. It’s very endearing, despite it feeling risky.
Say hi on twitter sometime!
You know what? Rome sounds like a way better plan. I love Rome. And thank you for the props. On twitter, too. Love an RT.
I’ve truly missed your newsletter and posts. It’s not often I laugh really, really out loud…then wonder if you have a hidden camera in my house because it’s like, oh damn me too!
Yeah, thank goodness blogs aren’t babies. But, in your case, yours is like a bff you can’t wait to see again. Come back often, you’re truly missed when you’re not around.
That’s so nice, Sharon. Thank you.
Yes, I do have a hidden camera in your house. I won’t say which room, because that would spoil it. Keep acting natural! You’re adorable when you sleep.
Love this post and all the awesome pictures. Especially Milli Vanilli and the eye and fork.
Glad to know that the April slump isn’t just my happy little place. May is just around the corner.
Yay for May! Not to jinx it or anything.
And yay for Milli Vanilli.
I was wondering just this morning if I had remembered to sign up for your feeds, or not…Glad you’re back from your funk, and glad to see that CPS has reunited the blog with it’s biological mother…!
Looking forward to more delicious posts.
Yes, CPS – or BPS – believes in second chances.
Ditto on the Belgray-withdrawal. I found myself regularly clicking on my bookmark, hoping against all hope to laugh my ass off.
Glad you are back. And i love the Milli Vanilli reference. I was just looking for them on Itunes. They aren’t there… 🙁
.-= amanda´s last blog ..
Thanks, Amanda. Especially for appreciating Milli Vanilli.
I totally understand where you’re coming from! I’m unfortunately prone to getting addicted to TV shows on DVD. Love that you can watch straight through without commercials.
Have noticed I spend 2-3 hours each evening (just finished Buffy the Vampire Slayer) watching mindless shows. Now that I’m done with that series, I’m thinking about switching to watching webinars/youtube videos, and reading ebooks. At least that would have some chance of spurring creative thoughts for my business:)
Where I live, it’s normal to have seasonal depression Jan-March. We have so much snow during that time, and not much sun. Makes it hard to be fired up! Good thing you recognized it. That’s what’s important.
Thanks for your honesty. Now I know I’m not the only business owner who is a closet TV DVD series addict (and apparently I’ve just come out of the closet)….I look forward to reading your blog again!
Commercials? Feh. I download on itunes whenever possible. Even if the show’s available for free. Worth it to me to go high-end and skip the ads.
I couldn’t handle that much snow. Our winter is bad enough – but no place in CA works for me, either. I’ve written to my congressman to get NYC moved to the West Coast.
You are most definitely not alone in this addiction.
Ahhh – Just yesterday I was thinking “When is Laura going to post something new?! She must have a metric shit-ton of work!” I was really going through some Belgray withdrawal – between that, and watiing for Glee to start again I almost didn’t make it! (Are you loving Glee, btw? – I’m a full-blown Gleek)
Then, boom! I have Glee — and thee – back again! I If I could just get MY allergy-stricken eyes to stop itching I would be one happy camper!
Withdrawal, sweet! When there’s a Dr. Drew show for people addicted to my blog, I’ll know I’ve made it.
I love Glee. At least, I loved the first season. I’m nervous that I’m going to get tired of it this season, now that there isn’t that awesome tension of waiting for Will to dump his psycho wife, and for Quinn to admit Puck’s the daddy.
Though I don’t think I can get sick of Jane Lynch.
Thanks for being my comeback commenter.
Hey girl! Welcome back! Funky town is okay to visit once in awhile but I wouldn’t want to live there.
I’m glad you (and your sense of humor) found your way home! ; )