I’ve helped a lot of coaches with their copy.
Life coaches, wellness coaches, joy coaches, high-performance coaches, abundance coaches, gluten-cleanse coaches, empowerment coaches, vibrational alignment coaches. Confidence coaches, bone broth coaches, flow coaches. Not a menstrual thing.
(I’m tempted to put quotation marks on some of those but I won’t. There’s a lid for every pot, a client for every “WTF-does-that-title-you-gave-yourself-mean” service provider.)
Can I tell you how many of those have asked me to barter?
In return for my services, they offer to help me do the following hilarious things:
– Take more breaks.
– Learn the art of self care
– Release feelings of unworthiness around money
– Put myself first, for once.
– Create that “something bigger than myself” that I’m craving in my life.
Um…have we met?
My whole calendar is blocked out with chunks that say “busy.”
Know what those are for? BREAKS. I schedule them not because I’ll forget to take them, but because I don’t want any clients booking me through my scheduling link during the multiple times of day when my body naturally craves Bravo.
I never miss an eyelash extension appointment. That’s self care, right?
I think I should be paid to exist. Or at least to lie around and drink iced coffee.
I fight over food with my own husband. When I see someone headed in the direction of a checkout line or coffee shop at the same time as me, I bolt for it so I can get there before them. Is that putting-yourself-first-y enough?
And I’ve never had a desire to do something bigger than myself. Big and famous, sure. But like, global? World-changing? I don’t think that way.
Everyone seems to think the world is made up of over-giving overachievers who need to be reminded to put their own oxygen mask on first.
I once asked a coach, “Do you ever work with lazy people who have trouble following through and naturally don’t want to work?” She looked at me like I’d asked, “Do you like to coach violent sex offenders?”
No one in this self-growth-centered, online-entrepre-nerd freakosystem acknowledges that we exist:
The lazy people.
The people who want to be obscenely successful even though our DNA is the same as a snail’s, crossed with a sloth’s, crossed with melted fontina.
We don’t want to change the world.
We don’t crave “mindfulness.”
We don’t want to manage a team.
We don’t want to drain our lymph nodes as part of a pre-sleep routine (I heard a podcaster say he does that, and recommend it for all entrepreneurs).
And just ask us if we want to “take massive action.” We will make a bathroom joke.
All we want is for life to be as easy as possible, with the most income and the most time on the couch watching Bethenny fight with Luann.
Time with friends and family too, that’s fine. If we don’t have to dress up.
We don’t feel bad taking money for what comes naturally. We just haven’t found that thing that we could happily do all day that people want to pay for. (My craigslist ad, “For $1000 an hour, I will eat linguine with clams” has no takers.)
We’d love to be transformed into one of these ultra-productive, giving, loving superhumans everyone’s talking about. The ones who actually need help taking a break. And don’t tell me I’ll become that when I override my invisible scripts and limiting beliefs.
I already know that I’m capable of anything I feel like doing.
I’m starting a Lazy F*cks Movement.
Raise your hand if you’re in. That’s the movement.
Now you.
Do you have trouble taking breaks and putting yourself first? Do you identify with all the offers out there (or have any idea what I’m talking about)?
Or are you in the Lazy F*cks Club?
Does the fact that I’m 8 years late & am too lazy to raise my hand, count as a vote to be part of the lazy movement? Will it help if I admit that I was nearly too lazy to even comment? Either, I love your (lazy) work!
See I’m even too lazy to proof my comment today! *Either way, I love…
I feel so seen it hurts.
THANK you! I have no desire to change the world, lol.
I also appreciate the Bravo love, I’m obsessed.
Umm did you read my mind?
There’s more than a touch of irony in the massive impact you have through your work.
I’m a strange mix of putting myself last and wanting to do whatever I want to do whenever I want to do it. Either way, your work is both a kick in the ass to write well about what I do and a fun example of not following the crowd.
Thank you, and I’m looking forward to going through The Copy Cure again this year.
I’ve already told everyone that I’m a blob. So I’m in.
As I lie here on my loveseat (too lazy to move to my couch where I could stretch out), I’m shoulding all over myself. I should open my Inbox Hero, I should finish reading a book about being a Nurse Writer, I should be reaching out to clients, I should be gathering more emails, I should be writing more emails. Meh. I should probably get tested for previously undiagnosed adult ADHD.
Most of my life is now comprised of slow mornings, sitting out in nature contemplating life, sipping tea on the couch, and breathing. I retired the f*cks I had left to give to doing the most in 2021. What I truly desire is for the one thing that most people (idk most people, but flow with me here) make into a CrossFit championship competition to be as simple as breathing—growing a profitable business. It’s been over a year and I still have zero desire to be on camera 3 hrs a day or post on Instagram 5x a week, nor have I been able to force myself to do so. I want to wake up without an alarm, sip my tea with my fuzzy socks, lay on my coach, zen out into my own inner world, and grow a profitable business simply by being me. I don’t want a workout experience. I want a massage and naps. I want ease.
Oh gawd! I cannot tell you how much I loved reading this. Thank you for telling us how it’s perfectly fine to stay “lazy”, be paid to just be ourselves, and not be ambitious. I mean, I say it all the time, but coming from someone who’s actually successful, it’s major validation. 😃
You are my people. 🥰
I’m a lazy f*ck. You’re the lazy f*ckin’ gooroo I’ve been looking for.
As long as I don’t have to move a finger or get up off of my couch, count me in.
Actually, I’m super lazy, and that’s my super power to be productive, because I don’t want people telling me what to do or when to do it, I just do it, deliver and then I read, write, sit and think, sometimes I watch a movie that I already watched… and then, I stay in bed in pjs all day drinking coffee or mate and reading or writting or just simply thinking… heaven 😀
LMFAO! I was born lazy and I’m lookin’ to have a relapse 🙂
I nearly spit my coffee out reading this. So funny! I’m very lazy until it comes to working on something I’m interested in, then I hyper-focus on it. It’s exciting. But cleaning, cooking, going to the grocery store… there’s always tomorrow. Can I still be in the lazy club?
Hilarious! So I’m not alone in wanting to be paid to read novels – not to edit them, just read. I might be willing to give a 1-star to the truly awful ones. I won’t even charge much. $100 an hour sounds about right.
P. S. Just realized you recycled this article from 2016. Even better.
Can we be friends? I’ve finally found my people.
Honestly, I’m a weird combination of both. I would love to work as little as possible and make a living yet I want to do all the things for people and animals (I toyed with the idea once to open a kennel that also fosters pets). If you know the enneagram, I’m a 9 and we’re called the sloths. I have to fight it with every client project. Still trying to find my residual income idea that helps people but allows me to not do a whole lot and bake stuff.
I can’t be arsed to fill out a form or send you a motivation letter to tell you why I deserve to join your f*c*ing brilliant movement, but consider me IN!
I am right there in the “productive to be lazy,” category with you. I’m working on writing copy so my job is fun and no longer requires ill-fitting scrubs and a “show up at 9 am ready to work,” attitude.
Laura, you’re a breath of fresh lazy breath. I always say laziness is my greatest quality (I don’t waste time of useless hard stuff and I immediately create systems so I don’t do the same task twice). Hurray!
I’m a life member. I love my resting heart rate, strenuous activity is lifting a mug, not a teacup and sleeping and reading are my life ambitions. I put myself first so much, I’m in my own league. Who are these peculiar
people who put themselves last and schedule everything? Life is for living…in a relaxed fashion. I’m not lazy: I’m naturally supine. I loved your post. Neither of us will ever die of stress related heart failure, lol!
Cynical and insightful eats earnest and helpful for lunch. I’m hungry.
I think lazy people are underrated. Being lazy doesn’t mean we don’t work. It means we find better and quicker ways to get it done so we can go back to playing Animal Crossing.
Lazy fuck at heart here. Formidably lazy in the field of sports of any sorts. Providing expert tipps on that maybe once or twice every other year.
Listen lady, I don’t need to be seen like this at 6:11am as I wake up at o’dark thirty to get my “personal business time” in before the hell-beasts that are my children wake up. Bonus points since they were both up past 10 last night, and one of them is celebrating the day we joyously separated our physical bodies, and I got my uterus back. The child considers it their birthday, and now I am expected to bake them a cake…every year. Forever?????
Seriously though, I must admit I’m an overachiever who struggles with taking breaks. As a copywriter who helps coaches, you’ve given me a lot to think about. Mostly a reminder that I get paid in money, not woo, and I need to make more room in my life to just chill…that’s where the ideas come from.
You’re so funny. 😂 I’m in!
This is a movement I can get behind. 👏👏😁
A different excellent article you could write an entire book on this topic.
I feel seen.
I am dictating this to someone else to type. In fact i only excelled at my job long enough to garner a subordinate to push my chair around the office, should the need arise. Now i excel at lazy. Make fun of my coffee straw, I don’t care.
I know this is an ancient post in Internet terms, but you’re the one who sent me here through your emails, so it’s your fault.
Anyway, GOD yes. I started freelance writing because I want to get paid enough to just BE. Like, you know what my definition of freedom is? Making enough money and having enough free time to write a 100k-word fanfic if I want to. Just for the hell of it. (Not that I have the follow-through to actually do that, mind.)
The contradiction, of course, is that I’m now working super hard to GET my lazy butt to that place of “do-whatever-I-feel-like” freedom. Lazy people are the hardest workers on the planet once properly motivated.
Thanks for sharing! I love your emails and your style.
100% best medicine! Okay, so I’ve been in ‘healing’ world forever. Many want lists of how to heal.
Gonna let folks read this.
I admit it too! EVERYONE thinks I’m a dooer myself, and Lordie I fit the bill. Ugh…
But it was ALL so I could….
Nah, I won’t bore you with details!
Just let go!
Go have a cuddle with your dog, trust me!
Lazy Fucks Forever…on a t-shirt…that somebody else designs and manufactures. So I guess I’m in.
Yep. 100%. Work smarter, not harder.
Laura! You have me ROLLING over laughing ! (Well, literally I’m sitting upright in the drivers seat of my parked car at Kroger) but hypothetically….ROTF! I see myself on both sides of this spectrum, but I’m still growing into the perfect mold of who I am and how I want to work. Thanks girl!
I live in Bali and…. coaches…. ‘world-changing’ ones…. I have no words… except –
DO NOT TELL ME HOW TO LIVE MY LIFE (you wannabe cult leader).
I’m with you – pay me the most you can so I can do my very best at doing very little while still giving you exactly what you asked for because I want this work to be over as quickly as possible so I can drink coffee.
Nope, not always at all.
Over achieving, too-much-energy type of girl over here.
But thats okay.
You do you.
So I read this post and thought “oh that’s funny but so not me.” I might be lazy but also too neurotic to tell?
Anyway, so then I walked into the kitchen to make some lunch and was irritated to notice the actual bug poop on the lettuce I was about to eat, because for whatever reason, I find it a real hassle to wash my lettuce. It’s just so tedious. It’s organic, can’t that be good enough? And I paid extra for the packaged kind, so shouldn’t they do that for me? Granted, I also almost ALWAYS think about the big salmonella outbreaks that happen now and again related to things like packaged lettuce, so no one is winning here. See? Neurotic.
I’m not sure where that leaves me, but true story.
Lazy ones still relating after 4+ years. FEELING HEARD.
Yes! There’s no expiration date on laziness. Hi!
DO NOT blow my cover. I’ve been masquerading as an A-Type for years now. I’m so tired. Send doughnuts.
Lolz I feel SO SEEN.
And what kinda lame-o would pass up the chance for a good bathroom joke?! Pfft. Adults.
I’m waving my arms around in my mind. Lifting them any higher than my keyboard is really just expelling way more energy than I’m prepared to.
Count me in.
hahaha LOVE this, Laura!
Raised my hand too! 😉
Yasssss 🙌🏼
I know I could conquer the world- but who the fuck wants to? Not me. With that said: I run on SPITE 🏃🏼♀️ Tell me I can’t do it or I’ll never be able to achieve ………… without ….
Game on bitches! Challenge Accepted- I won’t stop till I figure it out. I’ll drive myself crazy and obsess on whatever it is. Learn every possible detail- become the MASTER, and dominate it out of spite!
Then I’ll go back to my couch never use new found skills and eat my 🍦 in ☮️
so lazy it took everything in me to type this sentence. couldn’t even be bothered to extend that left pinky over to the shift key. the period key is less of a reach though.
Hi Laura! I sparked the Unhusle movement to get together with people who want to well- unhustle. It looks like we can combine efforts. 🙂 But that would be too much work.
I would have started the Lazy F*cks Club myself, but I got tired.
Love this!
I’m in Laura! Sounds the best club ever! 😂 love your posts, make me proper belly laugh 😆 xxxx
I finally found my ‘tribe’.
I now know what ‘being in the present moment’ and ‘self care’ truly means – LAZY. My heart chakra has fully opened with joy thanks to your healing words.
The next time my mom calls me lazy or selfish, I know not to let it seep into my subconcious and cause self doubt. And live in the present moment, being my true (lazy) self.
Oh Laura, I just can’t ignore your emails and posts – I get as excited seeing an email from you as the kids at the park who drop every damn thing when they see (or hear the annoying) ice cream truck! You, Laura, are the gelato of the meh soft serves of email.
Wow, I almost gave up before I scrolled down to the end of the list. Too lazy to wite longer than that tonight, I already have too much to do with the Copy Cure.
Ok ok very funny. Even though I’m a life coach with a made-up title of goal coach and felt personally attacked I loved it through and through. I think my husband is part of your crew though. I’ll send him to you.
But id really really love for you to expand on this. I do believe there are people who are just happy being simpler. But how do these people make progress?
P.s. I hate the title of life coach or goal coach but really haven’t thought of anything better. I also believe people coach themselves. I do more training on how to have a balanced life foundation. Any ideas for new titles ?
Scheduling breaks for yourself sounds so necessary and I don’t think it is lazy at all!
I feel so seen and understood. 😂 Truly though. I have bursts of inspiration and drive and love doing the work, but damn do I love to sit on the couch, especially after 3pm. I like to strike a balance between delicious laziness and heartfelt drive. Also, there truly is something cathartic about watching Bethenny scream at Luann. I miss her this season. Glad Leah is bringing some straight talking truth bombs. “1985 is over!!”
I had a job application that asked “what is your dream job?” —
I put, if I could get paid to sleep, that would be ideal.
You know I’d still do stuff during the day, but I wouldn’t be working, ’cause got that taken care of.
I’m, like, a mix lol.
I DO want to change the world, impact lives, make people’s lives better, etc. etc….
But I would like to do that with as little effort as possible. 😂
I like researching, though, so for me and what I do (researching the Bible and its history/culture – and “on the side” I also look into ethical beauty brands and do reviews on them and shit like that) I actually have it pretty good. I almost feel guilty sometimes because I’m like “I shouldn’t feel this chill about working like 2 hours a day, should I?”
I wouldn’t be here if the email didn’t have the second link.
Haha so great.
Def in this club.
Lazy people are more efficient (says my self-described “lazy” husband).
I don’t actually count myself lazy, but I don’t understand why anyone wants to schedule appointments before 11 AM. As a concession to those people, I permit 10 AM. But I still think it’s weird.
Hand raised. I DO want to change the world, but I’m too lazy to do it.
Though not a dyed-in-the-wool LF, I am trainable. If the hazing ceremony involves binging on cookies and Ben & Jerrys while also binge watching The Great British Baking Show, where do I sign? I don’t want to bake like the contestants do, I just want to bring a bib and a fork when the tent is cleaned up. As a certified member of The Clean Plate Club, is there a reciprocity agreement for the LFC??
oh man, welcome to my secret Biggest-Wish-Of-All-Time – THANK YOU for sharing this <3!
I volunteer to be Secretary for this Club- as long as I don’t have to keep minutes. Or do anything.
Yep. Had dinner with a client/friend recently and he was like “You don’t want to grow your business and hire a team of writers?” and I was like “Nope, I just want to be left the hell alone.” I’m not a hermit–in fact, I’m very social–I’m just too lazy to do any hand-holding. The truth? My 20-hr workweek is about my max. I have to much to read and cook and knit and watch!
I really appreciate the stuff about not having any huge save-the-world dreams. Not that I don’t care–but I just want to tell my stories and bake cakes, man.
I feel seen.
I have never related to something more in my life. Although I’ve been told I’m a classic overachiever I absolutely am not. In reality, I just want to achieve the things I want to achieve and care about the stuff I want to care about.
I volunteer as an advocate with foster children because it speaks to me and gives me life, and I really see the results of my efforts and passions. However, I was quite bitter when I had to do a mandatory volunteering project at work to paint a room in a women’s resource center recently. Manual labor! Painting walls! I felt like a bad person about that secret bitterness until I read this blog post haha.
Also too lazy to read my self-help and next-level entrepreneur emails. I just open yours.
paradox: truly lazy people won’t even comment
Yep! (Only commenting because I actually said “yep” to myself when I read your comment…)
I feel this.
My virtual mailbox service just had to send me to a virtual notary site (who knew that was a thing??) because I haven’t gone out to get the proper documents signed (for like… three weeks now. So holidays aren’t exactly an excuse).
I didn’t have to print things or put on pants and still got docs signed. That’s my kinda action right there.
Too lazy to claim my status. Back to my nap. 😴
This seems better than the Perfectionists’ Anonymous I tried…. and kept redoing Step 2.
You know the feeling that kicks in after the third day of your vacation abroad? That feeling of not knowing which day it is, what time it is and what language you speak (you dream in three different languages). That’s the state of being I love. In absolute nothingness just doing what I feel like at the moment. And I think I def should get paid for being able to do that in a world full of workaholics. I’m kind of living art.
Have been reading it for three days now.
Just finished it.
Waiting for my complimentary club pin. No hurry, whenever it`s ready.
“All we want is for life to be as easy as possible, with the most income and the most time on the couch watching Bethenny fight with Luann.” SPEAKS TO MY SOUL
I live for this “I’m lazy and I love it” truth. I often find myself spooning with my dog in the early afternoon, daydreaming of the vacation I need to book asap (with no memory of how I got to that position – must be that lazy trance).
I’m also in NYC, shall we start a Lazy F*cks Club meetup at some point?!
I started my own copywriting business this year and you’re major GOALS (especially now that I know you too, are lazy like me).
Thank you! I know this is an old post, but I needed it today. I feel like a lazy asshole when I scroll through the B-School Facebook group and see everyone working tirelessly on heart-centered world domination (while I sit on the couch with my cat, eating too much guacamole and watching The West Wing on Netflix for the 297th time). I’m grateful to know I’m not alone.
OMG, this is hilarious! I raise my hand as I am in the lazy F*cks camp! Finally, someone who’s honest — takes off the pressure of having to be so productive all the time to measure up! 😉 Thanks, Laura xo
I user asking image for one of my blog posts. Does that count?
Damnyouautocorrect. Now I have to re-type!
I used a SLOTH IMAGE for my blog post. Does that count?
I’ll be in the LFM/club with you, Laura cuz it’s true, I’m living large as a luxurious, lazy Libra. Been doing it all my life.
I like to say: “I’ll be there in spirit,” and then leave on my sweats & Uggs as I work from home each weekday.
But I don’t lack zest . . . Nor do I shun the joie de vivre. I sometimes do stuff away from home . . . or read an email/blog then randomly leave a comment for a fellow writer.
Lovely to encounter all y’all kindred spirits. Glad to know you’re out there.
Yes fellow Libra!! Happy birthday month(s)
I want to be lazy and make money! And yes. You’re emails really are the only ones I look forward to.
I thought I was the only one. I like figuring out the fastest way to do something so I can go back to being lazy. Or the slowest way so I can take my lazy-ass time. Lazy f*ucks unite!
YES! ME!! The only thing that keeps me going are all the guilts. You know…mom guilt, wife guilt, business owner guilt. And bills. If only the people sending bills were of the lazy sort.
The whole time reading this I was too lazy to have my neck hold up my head, instead my hand was doing that job. #NextLazinessLevel <3
My fav part tho is the beginning of this blog when Laura names all the ridiculous coach titles out there lmfao tooooooo funny.
My hand is raised. And I lazily wonder if I were to raise my other hand too, because I am serious about this laziness stuff, will that actually negate it all and knock me right back out of the club???
Yeah, I like this. I am this. And it’s ok. In it’s own timing.
Because some of us are getting carried away with great ideas, but no action.
Which is sometimes good
I don’t think I’m mad lazy, but I finally have gotten around to myself. I like the post. I think I’m stupid-shit challenged. If it’s boring or draining, I’m over it. It’s really the shit is not the right fit.
Omg I would love to be a member of this club. As long as I don’t have to actually do anything to sign up or maintain my membership, because I’m way too lazy for that. I have never understood people who “forget” to take breaks or like, eat. What is that life? Why would I want to live that way?
Yes, quotes after every ‘coach’ after wellness coach.
Perfection. My contribution to the LAF unmovement is writing email drip campaigns about crushing, slaying and hustle…in my pyjamas. With a bowl of baking chocolate. After 11am.
I’m going to Google “draining lymph nodes” after this (mostly because I’m the type that likes to watch abscesses drain).
And I think if you added the line “Will let you WATCH me eat…” you’ll get some takers.
I’m lazy on the copy end, and I don’t want to change the world (that’s how dictatorships happen), so here I am.
Does the LFC serve linguine with clams at the meetings? If so I’m in! Laura you are awesome.
YOU are so freaking awesome!
I LOVE this post! Thank you for not only being funny as hell but calling it out. The “it” being all of us giving the middle finger to the over achieving, stressed out mindset.
I thought I was alone. It’s how I thought I was supposed to be for a long time…and I hated who I was becoming. After I burned out, I trashed what I was doing and started over. I’m much happier and finally hitting my long, lazy stride.
Thank you for keeping it real (& humorous)!
The Party-Traveling-Spa-Girl @❤️ (Yay lazy!)
I just got around to finally reading this today. I would have read it earlier but I was too F*cking lazy. Does this mean I have a good shot of joining the club?
Seriously a great read and one I needed on this day of all days.
Definitely one of the lazy. Maybe I should change my one liner to “Helping people get ahead in their career without killing themselves.” ????
I’m in for sure.
I pride myself in being the Lazy Marketer. What’s the least amount of work I can do to achieve the maximum results?
What 80/20 would be if Pareto was too busy eating tasting menus and binge-watching critically acclaimed shows.
Ohmagod, thank you for this post. Lazy F*cks indeed.
Yep I’m in! #LAF
I’m laughing because I’ve been thinking about movements all day as I try to get my lazy as F*ck self to finally send in my fecal immunochemical test. Apparently I’m too lazy for a movement! Ha, ha, ha.
Whenever I hear entrepreneurs talk about “learning to say no” I feel ashamed that I so naturally and with such glee say no.
I am so in the lazy f*cks movement, in fact my whole family fits the bill. No joke, my very favorite thing is to lie on our futon surrounded by my husband and kids and fall asleep in the middle of a movie. I’m in heaven. So lazy!
Like-minded lazies unite! Yea!
I love being lazy but I’m also super productive……..when I want to be 🙂
I’m raising both hands! Thanks Laura!
I’m still stuck on the part up top where someone offered to barter with you “Learning the art of self-care”. What the actual fuck.
I’m in Cooktown, in Far North Queensland. I’ve been over the moon because several days ago I scheduled a blog post and a broadcast that went out to my list of seven today.
I think I should go to the caravan park pool now! I’m traveling with my family for ten months, hoping that if I’m a good girl, I can come to Italy for the writing workshop. (Since we’ll be in Europe by then)!
I think I belong in the tribe!
I’m so lazy that I actually contemplated not leaving a comment because you know…work. I think I’m a great fit for this movement. 😛
Someone else: “I’m SO busy, I don’t have enough time in the day to pee!”
Me: “Your time management skills are fucked up.”
(And that’s my professional opinion, because I do have a life coaching and NLP license)
Incidentally, if I hear “self limiting beliefs” one more time, I’ll puke.
I ALWAYS have time in the day to do nothing and I’m the happiest person I know.
I’m so in. I’ve always felt this way but never heard anyone else articulate it so I thought it was just me!
I would clap if I could be arsed.
OMG. Absolutely! Am I the only one who thinks every time it rains all work stops and a Netflix binge -sesh begins?
I am incredibly lazy and I love it. No desire to be busy with anything but good entertainment, travel, sex, and the like. Good idea with that Craigslist ad, btw. Will give it a try 😉
I’m in honey. More tomorrow. Great wine, grest cognac, great bed. …
If I could be arsed to raise my hand, I would. Usually, that only happens when putting food in my mouth.
I’m in. Is there a Facebook group I don’t have to visit?
This is the most brilliant idea yet.
Laughing my socks off, Trish!
Deffinitely in the lazy club. Lazy with big dreams.
And I only like to do what I like. I wish someone would pay me to stay in bed and read or watch movies.
What should I do with myself?
I would love to join but actually to lazy to sign up! My dog needs a walk and I have to prepare the menu for my cats entrée choices tonite! By the way have to squeeze in a couple posts and calls prior to watching Jeopardy! To quote Dire Straits “It is the life that I choose!”
*raises hand…barely*
I’m in, I have no shame. I am a lazybones.
*coughs. looks at floor. timidly raises hand*
“Ummm, in?”
Nah. Just fucking with you. Three hands up. In, like, yesterday.
Thank you. Just thank you. I was already thinking about writing a book called “Always Giving it Your 60%” and now I think I won’t.
I would read a book with that title.
Holy Lord, YES! This sooo resonates with me! <— (my nice way of saying: it's relatable AF). I wouldn't say I'm lazy, just… I just wanna do what I wanna do! But then get paid for it. Handsomely. Is that a crime??
It’s like you’ve been monitoring my life for the past year and my laziness inspired your post.
I’m in.
Now if I actually post this comment and don’t decide to watch YouTube videos about productivity, I’ll feel accomplished.
I’m obsessed with you 100%. That is all.
‘I already know that I’m capable of anything I feel like doing.’
Yep. Grazie & altrettanto Laura!
I don’t do busy anymore. Just hang out. Eat. Drink the occasional organic Fiano produced by my friends in the wilds of Irpinia, and read emails from friends and strangers who love my new book. That’s right. Hand is way up. I’m pluggin’ it.
Because I’ve just joined, or have been for a while, in a Lazy F*cks Club frame o’ mind. Having freshly launched a 300 page life event in two languages, I’m toast.
So yeah, your post comes at the right time. Thanks! Cause I’m sitting everything out. Lazy as F*ck…’til I get up and do it all over again. Sanz Coach.
Because: I already know that I’m capable of anything I feel like doing.
IN !
( i can’t be bothered to type another letter.. anyways, good stuff, keep it up. but not to up, otherwise i have to read more..)
Yes, I’m in. Definately.
Who are these savages of who get up at 5am and actually do stuff? And you know, half of them don’t even know who Luanne is. It’s too much. It really is.
Passively raises hand as a show of solidarity and then goes back to watching Disney channel with my dog.
(Love this post!)
Loved it. Laughed all the way thru’.
I don’t do barter either, unless they are bartering me huge wheelbarrels of cash.
I too would love to join the Lazy F*cks Movement, but I’m just too lazy to move. Can we just leave the “Movement” part off the name? Then it would be perfect.
My spousal overunit has been looking for your movement for years. She’s really upset that there are no jobs that will pay her $100,000 p.a. to sit around in her bathrobe all day, staring out the window, drinking coffee and thinking Deep Thoughts.
Can I be VP? You are already less-lazy than me in that you wrote this post. It took all the anti-lazy in me to reply. And I sorta raised my hand. My arm is heavy when I lift above my shoulder…
Oh god, yes. I’d write more, but, you know…
*Raises Hand* I love this post. I’m in the middle of planning a blog centered around my many hilariously bad business ideas, job hopping experiences, and what I’ve learned from them. I’m still sorting it all out, (like how I’m going to actually make money) and this post gave some great inspiration. I am notoriously lazy, but also incredibly productive. Trying to make life easier is what I’m good at.
Does wanting to raise your hand count? I’m not in the lazy club, but I want to be. I’m actually in a kind of weird middle place where I have no issue getting to the oxygen first, but also a die hard perfectionist who still needs help taking real breaks. I actually try to do it the easy way and wind up trying too hard at it. 😆.
So that lazy club sounds way better. I want in! Sounds like a healthy way of living to me.
I see you, gurl
Holy shit! the Lazy F*cks Club sounds fun! And well paid. And low stress. And appears to give new meaning to the words “ease and flow”. I have some peeps to refer. I gave birth to a couple of them.
LFC, yo!
I’m productive so I can be lazy. And I’m good at what I do, so my clients can be lazy if they want to. Does that count?
I think it does. So yes, I’m in the lazy club.
It kind of counts. If being productive goes against your nature. If it comes naturally, I’m not sure where we stand. 🙂
Ooooh this sounds like me. Willing to earn that time on the couch, but like, a disproportionate amount. 🤣
Love this one! Your movement could join a coalition with my friend, Frazier’s group: the Slightly Overweight Fathers Association (S.O.F.A.)
That’s just genius. And sounds more than “slightly.”
Ok, I had to respond. But I actually had to make an effort to log back in ’cause I was too lazy to do it the first time.
BTW. You mean there are people who don’t want to trade out there. LOL
That’s the best thing I’ve heard apart from Laura’s group! 😂