Where did this blank is the new blank thing start?
Was it “brown is the new black” circa 1994? That’s when I first heard it, and I obeyed by replacing all my black accessories with brown.
Black boots? Tacky! Brown boots. Good.
I hate that saying. Or is it a meme? Is meme the new saying?
Maybe I hate it because I don’t like change. I like the old thing. But I also hate it because everyone says it, and it’s the stuff of smug magazine editors and the idiotic NY Times Styles section. Which of course, is the only section I ever finish reading.
50 is the new 40.
40 is the new 10.
Baths are the new shower.
Queens is the new Brooklyn.
Yoga is the new running.
Soul Cycle is the new yoga.
Grape tomatoes are the new cherry tomatoes.
Fiddleheads are the new ramps.
Butt is the new boob.
Ice Bucket Challenge is the new Harlem Shake.
Meh is the new so-so.
Orange Is The New Black is the new meh.
(I really wanted it to be better. I watched it anyway.
Maybe meh-watching is the new hate-watching.)
Nothing is the new oy, and nothing ever will be.
Now you.
What ___ is the new ____ do you like or hate?
Or rant about something else.
Or you know what? Ask me a question. Maybe it’ll be my next blog post.
I feel like it sprang from “When Harry Met Sally”; The scene Carrie Fisher & Bruno Kirby meet & she quotes his article; “pesto is the quiche of the 80’s” and something about “going to restaurants has replaced going to the theater” ? Does that ring a bell? Also – My husband produces a lot of bios for TV & I am noticing people referring the subject’s “gravitas” at an alarmingly increasing rate. And not just Morgan Freeman either.
Nice! Yes, you’re totally right. They just didn’t have the easy, madlibs construction back then. They had to make up individual phrasing for each one of those observations.
Is “gravitas” the new “bona fides”? No, bona fides hasn’t really caught on yet. But it will. It’ll be the quiche of gravitas. You can tell I’m tired.
OK, I’m putting this in for my daughter Heather because I know her so well. “It is what it is”. Drives Heather crazy and actually makes no sense as well. Loving the daily blogs, Laura
It’s Heather’s mom! It’s Heather’s mom!
Now I know how to drive Heather crazy.
Thanks for commenting, Barbara. Heather once effectively guilted me into blogging after a long hiatus by telling me you missed the posts.
She’s right…I did! Glad it worked..
I don’t usually comment. I’m more of a closet social media user… But this topic is close to my angry heart. Ha ha
People use it all the time and in the worst way. We named our company ICONIC 15 years ago and NO ONE knew what the word meant. Now… Our small town has an ICONIC nails, ICONIC pizza, and an ICONIC group 20 minutes away – where people send us cheques by mistake all the time.
(You’re wondering why we don’t cash them right?)
Anyway, now that I say it, you will hear the over use of iconic.
Your posts are iconic!
Keep it up 🙂
There was an ad sales meeting at the magazine where I used to work, where everyone was asked to name an icon of the future. And one person offered, “The icon of the future is: SEX SELLS.”
Thank you for calling my posts iconic. xo
I’m late to this party!
But I do have a question for you:
If you could have a famous person all up in your grill who would it be and why?
And by grill, I mean have lunch with and cyber stalks you a little.
And by stalks you a little, I actually mean a lot. Like Single White Female. Or Fatal Atraction.
this comment took a weird turn.
My bad.
why do I always spell things wrong in these comments! I’m literate! Why is there no edit button?
You’re never late to the party, Licia. The party starts when you get there.
I’m putting your question in the file! Thank you. Keep asking them.
And keep taking weird turns.
I thought VLOG would be the new BLOG but it never happened. It never happened is the new it didn’t catch on. All I know is Talking Shrimp is the new blog and new is the new new which is also one of those words like ANY which means I’m tired and should probably go to sleep.
I thought that too!
I’m glad I didn’t start one. Maybe this is a SHROG.
Do you remember the song Nu Nu?
The Knick is the new Downton Abbey!
Bring back Miss O’Brien! Yeah… I said it.
I haven’t watched The Knick yet, and I’m behind on Downton Abbey. Which means I have more new to watch than you do. 🙂
POV(psychic’s point of view) list:
*carrying quartz crystals in your pocket the “in” thing for most believers.
*smudging is the new shampoo for clearing negativity.
*saying your aura is a certain color is the new saying these days.
*Annual reiki tune ups is the new boob job.
*getting an annual psychic reading is the new physical checkup.
*contacting your loved ones is the new 2014 should do thing.
*knowing your spirit guide’s name is the rave.
*law of attraction smashes the boogie monster living in your head.
This is the norm in my world. Everyone is getting spiritual check-ups nowadays.
This is ALL new to me! Love it. Smudging, huh?
Yes, smudging is amazing. I do it every morning. 🙂
I had to call a veterinarian the other day to get a reference for a potential cat adopter. The receptionist read through the adopter’s file and said (and I swear this is true): “That cat is deceased at this point in time.” Ummm, were they expecting it to become undeceased the following day?
That’s hilarious. I think the NY Times should add “at this point in time” to all their obits.
40 is the new 10, you crack me up, LOVE your writing!! Happy to see so many blog posts, keep them coming:) My biggest pet peeve has to be “no offence, BUT…”, get ready to be insulted, but please don’t be angry, haha, I actually get excited when I hear this as a precursor to the blow;) How insanely comical! Or “I didn’t even blink an eye”, hmmmm okay, what did you blink?!? And if I hear one more 12yr old kid say “I know, right??”…I think this is the 80’s Valley Girl “totally!!”. There are so many, great topic:) Stay dry!
“No offense but” is just slightly better than “I love you but.”
Who knew? Gazelle is the new gnu.
So, nu?
Sorry about the duplicate. I thought I was just editing one misspelling.
My related rant would be about catch phrases catching on until you want to hurl. One being (and I’m glad to say seems to be phasing out), “having said that,” or “that said.” What is that supposed to mean???!!! A few years back “at this point in time” was used so much it made me quiver in peevishness. A new one I’m seeing a lot of on Facebook is ” love you to the moon and back.” Okay, okay, does that mean you live someone more than anyone else could ever love someone, or that you’re in training to be an astronaut? I would have more, but didn’t get my nine hours last night, haha!
“At this point in time” is awful, I agree. Lose two words.