On TV, people are always hanging up on each other.
Sometimes it’s meant rudely.
“You’ll see my smiling face in court.” CLICK.
Sometimes it’s just a natural end to the conversation.
“I gotta go.” CLICK.
I’ve never been able to do this, either way. Even in a heated argument with a customer service representative, the conversation ends like this:
“This is the poorest excuse for customer service I’ve ever seen. You’re telling me it’s not worth it to you to make an exception and extend a small, one-time courtesy? You just lost a long-time paying customer.”
“Is there anything else I can help you with today?”
“No, you haven’t helped me at all.”
“Thank you for your time.”
“Yeah, thanks a lot for nothing. Goodbye.”
“Have a good day.”
“Yeah, wouldn’t that be nice. You have a great day.”
“Goodbye now.”
“Good BYE.”
“Thank you for choosing Time Warner.”
“I don’t choose it. Fios isn’t available in my building.”
“You take care now.”
“OK, oops, I’ve got to jump off. That’s my other line, I’ll talk to you later. Love youuuu!” CLICK.
I know one person who really hangs up on people.
My friend Victoria. But it doesn’t really count, because she announces it:
“OK, I love you, I’m hanging up on you now.”
And then there’s still a round of “bye, I love you.”
See? No one really does it. Do they?
Wouldn’t it be so lovely to just hang up without notice? Like, OK, I’m bored now. CLICK.
Now you.
Have you ever actually hung up on someone?
Or been hung up on?
Do you even have phone conversations anymore?
ps – Thinking about B-School? Tick tock, enrollment closes March 4th. That’s a week from this Weds. Click below to find out more, and check out my bonus.
Lovin’ your posts. This one is too funny and reminds me of my daughter, who has helped me to just say “OK bye!” when the convo is CLEARLY over. She did this to me about 5 years ago and my reaction was “THAT was kind of rude…” and she explained how it is NOT; it’s rude to keep saying stupid stuff when we are obviously done with this conversation. Haha, I couldn’t disagree and now all my friends know that’s what I do~ when we’re done, I say “OK bye”
Well JK Simmons made me cry darn it, with his comment about calling your parents. Both my parents are dead and I actually miss those calls. Friggin death.
I’ve hung up on a few people in my life. Usually when the conversation descended into brutality and name calling. Or just so frustrated I joyfully clicked the “end” button, refusing to answer if the person called back.
I miss the pleasing “bang” of the receiver being slammed down though. So fulfilling.
A few times I’ve been on the receiving end of the I’m going through a tunnel and I’m losing you type of hangup. Those are a soft closure really. You know the blowoff is playing out before you, but as its veiled in the words of unforeseen natural disruptions you can’t quite get your righteous anger for getting the hang-up. So that method works if you need deniability.
I have a friend who just hangs up. If the conversation is over she does not say goodbye. She does not like goodbye. So as you finish you say “Ok see you later. Good……” and before the bye comes out you hear dial tone. That also works.
In the end it’s about boundaries. Always hard, but if your time truly is precious then cutting things off sooner than later is the best thing to……….
I don’t do a lot of hanging up on people. I like to say something like, “Wait, hold on a sec.” and then put the phone down and walk away, or put it on mute. They get tired of waiting and hang up. Boom. It’s on them.
When I do hang up on someone, I definitely don’t feel sorry and I’m certainly not apologizing. What’s the apology for anyway? You’re either yelling or being rude to them, or you’re about to or they’re doing the same, so it saves both parties a future apology from saying something that would really need an apology for.
I’m glad you’re an even-handed, equal-opportunity think-about-it hanger upper. When I make the mistake of answering a solicitation, don’t-want-it call, I’ll say “Thank you for calling.” Click. Why do I thank a computer voice? Mystery time. Or if it’s a long-winded friend (and I’ve got a few), sometimes I’ll put the phone down, read something, and pick up the phone every once in a while to say, “uh huh,” or “gotta go, x.x.x. is calling (or at the door). Click
Why does everyone feel the need to say, after someone has hung up on them, “Did you just hang up on me?” to nobody?
Laura. All you have to do is go…”Hello? Hello? God I hate AT&T. Are you ther–” ::click::
My dad caught me doing that to someone else once, and now he has a complex if our phone call gets cut off for real.
So I guess I’m fine with hanging up on people passive aggressively. But any time I angry-hang up on someone, I’m filled with immediate regret and dread, because now I have to call back in shame and beg for forgiveness…if they answer…
On a side note, isn’t it great when you get cut off at the end of a phone call, and your friend is kind enough to know that this is okay, and you don’t need to call back just to say start saying goodbye??
I have hung up on Jed many times. But in the end, I always call him back just to rehash what I hung up on about. It’s crazy making.
As for call waiting – I ‘ve given up it. I never click over. Another point of contention between Jed and me. Meaning he always says “You’re on the phone a ton. Why is it you never pick up when I call?”
My dad hangs up on me every time we talk. He doesn’t hear very well and won’t get hearing aids, so I think it’s a defensive measure so he doesn’t end up missing something.
“Dad, when are you coming to pick up your trailer?”
“Saturday.” Click.
I’d love to be able to hang up on people, but it feels too rude!